econ431 Intermediate Mathematical Economics (Intro to Real Analysis for Economists)

Summer 2015, Summer 2016, Summer 2017

Syllabus and Course Outline. [on canvas]

Goal: The course is meant as an introduction to the mathematical analysis useful for both economics and econometrics. This is basically an introductory course in real analysis targeted at students who are interested in going to grad school in economics or who are interested in a deeper understanding of the mathematical foundations of economics.

The emphasis of this course will be on proving theorems rather than solving problems.

Some topics that we will cover are: logic, set theory, metric spaces, function spaces, optimization theory (sufficient and necessary conditions for optima to exist), and Lebesgue integration.

  • Check out this [link] on what mathematical concepts you will need to know for grad school in economics and why.

This class is supposed to prepare you for grad school in economics so you are expected to (1) do a lot of self-study and (2) collaborate with your classmates on solving the problem sets.

  • Please read Azuma's guide to understand that these are some skills that you'll need to do well in grad school.

There are no makeup exams. Exam dates are posted a week before classes start, so you have plenty of time to organize your schedule accordingly.

  • For summer 2017, exam dates are: Exam 1, June 28 (30% of grade) and Exam 2, August 2 (50% of grade).

Useful books:

"Book of Proof" by Hammack.

"The Way of Analysis" by Strichartz.

"Applied Analysis" by Hunter and Nachtergaele,

"Elementary Real Analysis" by Thomson, Bruckner, and Bruckner,

"Mathematical Economics" by Carter.

A non-exhaustive survey of analysis books


Lecture 1 , 05/17 Logic. Proofs:

Lecture 2,3 , 05/24, 05/31: Set Theory. Binary Relations. Utility Representation Theorems.

Lecture 4 , 06/07: Order of existential quantifiers. Functions. Speed of convergence (big Oh)

The Book by Hammack covers all the topics in Lectures 1 to 4.

Lecture 5 , 06/14: Continuity. Right- and left-continuity. EVT and IVT.

Lecture 6 , 06/21: Review.

Exam 1, 06/28


Lecture 7 , 07/05: Metric spaces

(i) metrics

(ii) open and closed sets

(iii) Weierstrass Theorem

Lecture 8 , 07/12: Lipschitz continuity. Convexity. Sufficient versus necessary conditions for optimization.

Lecture 9,10 07/19 and 07/26: Measure Theory. Lebesgue integration

Exam 2, 08/02