BUEC333 Statistical Analysis of Economic Data (Fall 2017)

Fall 2014, Fall 2015, Fall 2016

My BUEC333 Policies

  • Syllabus
  • Textbook for the course: Stock and Watson (SW) 3rd edition updated. It has to be the updated edition .
    • Problem sets will be assigned from the updated 3rd edition. These exercises are different from those in the 3rd edition.
    • Solving the problems from the 3rd edition won't give you any credit.
  • If you need extra practice , check out the Shaum outlines. Google the book and you'll find free pdf's flying around.
    • Shaum's outline on statistics contains a lot of solved problems, so if you are struggling with this class, consider solving as many problems as you can from both Stock and Watson and Shaum's.
  • I have a no email policy. This means that I will not be answering your emails.
    • You can contact me by
      • (1) coming to my office hours -- TBD in WMC 2672
      • (2) seeing me immediately after lecture, or
      • (3) seeing me during the break that we always take during our 3-hour lectures.
  • Missing exams : There are no make-up exams. If you miss any exam, you will be assigned a grade of zero.
  • Asking for a regrade : If you would like to have your exam regraded, please, read and fill out this form.
    • You have to fill out the form on the day you get your exam back, and submit both the form and the exam back to your TA.
    • If you do not ask for a regrade the day you receive your exam back, your exam will not be considered for regrading. That is, you cannot ask for a regrade after you took the exam away from the classroom.
  • Submitting your work :
    • Submit the homework assigned from the book individually, even if you work on it with a group. Add the names of the people in the group, but have everyone submit their own problem set. Submit your homework to your TA either right before the tutorial or at the end of the tutorial. The TA is there to answer any questions you may have about the current homework, but she is not required to solve your problem.
    • You can submit the R assignments as a group.
    • Add the number of your tutorial session on everything that you submit (homework, R assignments, or exams). If you do not do this, your work will not be graded, earning you a zero. No exceptions.

Software: R

Information on R labs:

  • R labs are held:
    • Thursday 9:00-11:30
    • Friday 8:30-10:30 and 15:30-17:00.
    • in WMC 2506
  • Feel free to work in groups of max 3 people.
  • If you are struggling with the assignment, you are expected to go to the lab and work with the lab TA on the assignment.
  • When you submit your assignment, please, do the following:

Lectures mostly based on Stock and Watson (SW)

Part I: Probability Theory and Statistics

  • Week 1, 09/07:
  • Week 2, 09/14:
    • Introduction to R. Bring your laptops, please.
  • Week 3, 09/21:
  • Week 4, 09/28: Exam 1 on Part I
    • covers Ch 1, 2 (without Central Limit Theorem), and Section 3.1
    • formula sheet

Part II: Linear Regression

Past Exams

Past exams

Correlation versus causation

Uncertainty in Economic Statistics

  • Article on how to communicate uncertainty of estimates in economics, Significance Magazine...
  • ... and the article on which the article above is based
  1. submit one assignment per group
  2. write down the names of all people who have worked on the assignment. Each individual in the group will receive the same grade for the lab.
  3. submit your R code together with your answers.
  • Week 5, 10/05:
  • Week 6, 10/12:
    • Lecture 5, based on Ch 4 in SW (no typed notes)
      • Non technical intro to regression [link]
      • Technical details for OLS estimators [link]
      • Interpretation of OLS parameters [link]
      • R-squared
  • If assignment of group/person A appears to be identical to that of group/person B, but A's name is not on B's assignment (or/and) vice-versa, then both A and B will receive an automatic zero (F) on the assignment.
  • Submitting identical assignments (even if answers to just one question are identical) but not giving credit is considered cheating. This will result in a grade of zero (F) for those particular assignments.
  • All students with identical, word-by-word assignments/answers will receive a zero.
  • Week 7, 10/19:
    • Lecture 6 is a review for Exam 2
      • Law of Large numbers, Central Limit Theorem, Hypothesis testing for the mean, OLS with one covariate: estimation and inference
  • Week 8, 10/26 Exam 2 on Part II
    • covers the end of Ch 3 (CLT) and Ch 4. See past exams.

Part III: Nonlinear Regression, Instrumental Variables

  • Week 9, 11/02:
    • Lecture 7 based on Ch 6 (6.1 - 6.7) and Ch 5 (5.1 - 5.4) (no typed notes)
    • Lecture 8 based on 8.1, 8.2 (dummy variables, nonlinear regression)
  • Week 10, 11/09:
  • Week 11, 11/16:
    • Review for exam
  • Week 12, 11/23: Exam 3 on Part III
  • Week 13, 11/30 (last day of classes)
    • Lecture 10 on panel data and fixed effects