
Presentations: You can work in groups of two if you want. Presentations should be between 30-45 minutes.

(HLM2006) Honore and Lleras-Muney (2006) Bounds in Competing Risks Models and the War on Cancer. Econometrica, 74(6), 1675-1698.

(HL2012) Harding and Lamarche (2012) Quantile Regression Estimation of Panel Duration Models with Censored Data. Stanford University, Department of Economics, working paper.

(Evd2001) Evdokimov (2011) Nonparametric Identification of a Nonlinear Panel Data Model with Application to Duration Analysis with Multiple Spells. Princeton University, Department of Economics, working paper.

(FHH2007) Frederiksen, Honore, and Hu (2007) Discrete Time Duration Models with Group-Level Heterogeneity. Journal of Econometrics, 141, 1014-1043.