Research Interests: Empirical Industrial Organization, Vertical Contracts and Bargaining, Competition Policy.

Working Papers

Buyer Alliances in Vertically Related Markets, March 2024 [supplemental material]. 

Recipient of the EARIE 2018 Young Economists' Essay Awards.

Revise and resubmit at the RAND Journal of Economics.

Work in Progress                                                    

Buyer Power and Product Selection in Interlocking Relationships 

with Claire CHAMBOLLE and Clémence CHRISTIN.

An Empirical Model of Bilateral Bargaining with Vertical Frictions

with Ao WANG.

The Cross-Category Effects of Food Labels: A Canteen Experiment

with Olivier ALLAIS and Emmanuel PAROISSIEN.

Junk Food, Leisure, and Income Inequalities

with Ondine BERLAND, Eve COLSON-SIHRA, and Emmanuel PAROISSIEN.

Policy Briefs                                                

Buying Groups Formation: What Effects on Competition in the Retail Industry? 

with Marie-Laure ALLAIN, Rémi AVIGNON and Claire CHAMBOLLE.

IPP Policy Brief, no. 79, February 2022.