

2008: California Institute of Technology, Ph.D., Physical Chemistry

2003 : University of California, Berkeley, B.S., Chemistry


2015. 9 - present: Associate Professor at Korea University

2014. 9 – 2015. 8: Associate Professor at POSTECH

2010. 2 – 2014. 8: Assistant Professor at POSTECH

2008. 9 – 2010. 1: Post-Doctoral Scholar at NASA-JPL, CALTECH

Research Areas

1. Protein Misfolding, Interactions, and Degenerative Diseases

2. Precision medicine for childhood cancer

3. Supramolecular Control of Protein Folding and Intermolecular Interaction Dynamics

4. Developing Instrumental Analysis Techniques including Mass Spectrometry

Selected Awards

KCS Sigma-Aldrich Excellent Chemist Award, 2018

The American Society for Mass Spectrometry: Emerging Investigators, 2017

Dong-A Ilbo-POSTECH: 30 Young Scientists of Korea Award, 2016

The Chemical Society of Japan: The Distinguished Lectureship Award, 2016

Korean Chemical Society: Young Analytical Chemist Award, 2012

NASA-Tech Brief Award, 2010

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Research Sub-Fellowship, 2004 - 2008

Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF)/Korea-U.S. Science Cooperation Center (KUSOCO) Scholarshop, 2007


Phone: +82-2-3290-3126

Office: Asan Science Bldg. RM 312