Your Financial Support is Needed

Hudson Valley FIRST LEGO League is dependent upon donations to cover the majority of the expenses of running the tournaments. We have been very fortunate to have ongoing support from IBM for the past 15 seasons, and the past several seasons New York Tech Valley FIRST has stepped up to assist us, but we cannot rely on one or two organizations. We operate as simply as possibly in order to keep our expenses to an absolute minimum, but we need your help to diversify our funding sources.

Our largest expenses are for the trophies and medals; food for our volunteers; equipment such as challenge sets, new competition tables, etc; and contributing toward the admission fees for the top two Hudson Valley teams that move on to tournaments such as World Festival.

We are extremely grateful for our host sites which do not charge us for the use of their facilities, and for all of the volunteers who help us throughout the year, and not just during the competition season.  

Hudson Valley FIRST LEGO League is now operated as its own 501(c)3, Hudson Valley Youth Robotics, Inc.. Our financial agent is the Community Foundation of Orange and Sullivan. Donations to Hudson Valley FIRST LEGO League are tax deductible contributions.

If you or a business you know is able to contribute to keeping Hudson Valley FIRST LEGO League providing the best possible program for the many youth throughout the Hudson Valley, we would greatly appreciate your support. Please us the following link: