Finding or Starting a Team

Finding a Team

Unfortunately, our agreement with FIRST prevents us from directly putting parents or students in touch with teams. There is absolutely nothing that we can do about this, so please respect that situation. However, we are doing our best to create a means to assist people finding each other.


If you are looking for a team, the steps we recommend are:

We realize that these are not ideal, but it is the best we can do given our current limitations.


FLL Challenge Teams

Sometimes the most frustrating thing involved with FLL is finding a way to join or create a team.

First, let's talk about who can begin a team:

Anyone can start a team. Every team needs at least 2 coaches, and 3 to 10 team members who are between the ages of 9 and 14 on January 1 of the year in which the challenge is announced (it is announced in late August or early September).

The items that teams require in order to participate:

Optional items:


FLL Explore Teams

FLL Explore teams may be formed and supported in ways very similar to the FLL Challenge teams. In this case the teams consist of two coaches and 2 to 6 team members who are between the ages of 6 and 9. Since this is non-competitive the ages for this program are somewhat flexible, but it is good to keep in mind the interest of the children.

The items that teams require in order to participate: