Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng (程华宇)

I am Vice Dean of Research and Equity, responsible for both NYU Steinhardt's Office of Research and Office of Diversity, Equity, and Belonging, and Associate Professor of International Education at New York University's Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. I received my PhD in Education Policy and Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania. My interests include comparative perspectives on race/ethnicity (with a focus on the US and China), immigrant adaptation, and social capital within the school and educational context. As such, my research examines the social relationships in the lives of youth of color and immigrant adolescents in the US, gender and ethnic differences in education in China, and cultural and social capital transfers between adolescents in the US. My scholarship has appeared in journals such as the American Educational Research Journal, Educational Researcher, Social Forces, and Teachers College Record. In popular presses, my work has appeared in over twenty mainstream media outlets, including CNN, NPR, TIME, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Metro, and Essence

Before my return to higher education, I taught algebra and geometry at a public charter school and Upward Bound in San Francisco and was co-founder of a technology start-up based in Shanghai. I received my bachelor's degree in Brain and Cognitive Sciences from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.   

Contact Information

New York University

New York University
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development
82 Washington Square East, 4th Floor
New York, NY 10003 

Email: cherng <at>