Updated: 02/2024

New York University

Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development

246 Greene Street, Suite 300

New York, NY 10003

Email: cherng <a>


Office number: 212.992.9458


Vice Dean for Research and Equity, 2024-

Vice Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Belonging, New York University, 2022 - 2023

Associate Professor International Education, New York University, 2019 - 

Interim Faculty Development and Support Facilitator, New York University Shanghai, 2020 - 2021

Assistant Professor International Education, New York University, 2014-2019

Department of Applied Statistics, Social Sciences, and Humanities

Faculty Affiliate, NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, 2014 -   

Faculty Affiliate, NYU Shanghai-East China Normal University Institute for Social Development, 2015 - 


2014                          PhD, The University of Pennsylvania, 

                                      Sociology (School of Arts and Sciences) and 

                                      Education Policy (Graduate School of Education)

                                      Certificate of Advanced Studies in Education Sciences (IES)

2011                          MA, The University of Pennsylvania, Sociology

2005                          BS, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Concentration in Education


Comparative perspectives on race/ethnicity (with a focus on China and the US), immigrant adaptation, and social capital within the school and educational context


30. Villavicencio, Adriana, Reva Jaffe-Walters, Chandler Patton-Miranda, Sarah Klevan, Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2024. "“The Freedom to Teach”: The Role of (Re)Professionalization in Cultivating Responsive Schooling for Immigrant Students." Educational Studies.

29. Strassfeld, Natasha, Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng, Scarlett Wang, and Sherry Glied. 2023. "Examining the Prevalence Rates of Autism Diagnosis by Race/Ethnicity for Medicaid-Eligible Children Enrolled in NYC Universal Pre-Kindergarten Programs." Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 37(3): 476-491. 

28. Jia-Lin Liu* and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2023.  "Breaking the Mold: The One Social Class Model and Saving Face among Undocumented and Mixed-Status Chinese Immigrant Families." American Journal of Education, 130(1): 89-117.

27. Jia-Lin Liu* and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2023.  "Beyond Remittances: How face drives immigration stories of undocumented and mixed-status Chinese immigrant families." The Sociological Quarterly, 1-17.

26. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Jia-Lin Liu*, and Martha Moreno*. 2022. "Health Inspector Ratings of Asian Restaurants during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic." Ethnicities.

25. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Peter Halpin, and Luis Rodriguez. 2022. "Teaching Bias? Relations between Teaching Quality and Classroom Demographic Composition." American Journal of Education 128 (2),  171-201.

         -Covered in Education Week

24. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Jason Rarick*, Erin Godfrey. 2022. "Parenting in a New World: Migration, Social Class, Parenting, and Links to Academic Outcomes in China." Chinese Sociological Review 54( 5), 458-481.

23.  Strassfeld, Natasha; Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2022. "Services for Juveniles with Emotional Disturbances in Secure-Care Settings: A Case-Study Examination of Racial Disparities and Recidivism." Behavioral Disorders 47(4): 257-269.

22. Villavicencio, Adriana; Chandler Patton-Miranda*, Jia-Lin Liu*; Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2021. “What’s Going to Happen to Us?” Cultivating Partnerships with Immigrant Families in an Adverse Political Climate.“ Harvard Educational Review  91 (3), 293-318.

21. Davis, Laura; Jasmine Whiteside*; Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2020. One Size Fits All? Gender, Race/ethnicity, and Happiness in Schools. Teachers College Record 123 (1), 1-28.

20. Hao, Zheng** and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2020. "State-led Chinese Nationalism: An Analysis of Primary School Textbooks." China: An International Journal 18 (4): 27-48. 

19. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Reza Hasmath, and Benjamin Ho. 2019. "Holding Up Half the Sky? Ethno-Gender Labour Market Outcomes in China." Journal of Contemporary China 117: 415-433.

18. Ho, Phoebe and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2019. "How Far Can the Apple Fall? Differences in Teacher Perceptions of Minority and Immigrant Parents and their Impact on Academic Outcomes." Social Science Research 74: 132-145.

17. Miranda, Chandler Patton* and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2018. "Accountability Reform and Responsive Assessment for Immigrant Youth." Theory into Practice 57 (2): 119–126. 

16. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Phoebe Ho. 2018. "In Thoughts, Words, and Deeds: Are Social Class Differences in Parental Support Similar across Immigrant and Native Families?" The Sociological Quarterly: 59 (1): 85–100. 

15. Liu, Jia-Lin*, Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng, Bella Rex-Kiss, Gretchen Lord, and Julia Francois. 2018. "Parents  Beyond Oceans: A Social Group Work Curriculum for Chinese Immigrant Parents." Social Work with Groups 41 (4): 291–305.

14.  Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Laura Davis. 2017. "Multicultural Matters: An Investigation of Key Assumptions  of Multicultural Education Reform in Teacher Education." Journal of Teacher Education: 1–18

         -Covered in Metro Daily, Science Daily, and Education Week

13. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. 2017. "The Ties that Bind: Teacher Relationships, Academic Expectations, and Racial/Ethnic and Generational Inequality." American Journal of Education 124 (1): 67–100.

        -Covered in Education Week

12. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. 2017. "If They Think I Can: Teach Bias and Youth of Color Expectations and Achievement." Social Science Research 66: 170–186.

        -Covered in Huffington Post, PsychCentral, and Social Work Helper

11. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. 2017. "The Color of LGB: Racial and Ethnic Variations in Conceptualizations of  Sexual Minority Status." Population Review 56 (1): 46–67.

10. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Jia-lin Liu*. 2017. "Academic Social Support and Student Expectations: The Case of Second-Generation Asian Americans.” Asian American Journal of Psychology 8 (1): 16–30.

        -Covered in Education Week, Politico, and TRT World

9. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Peter Halpin. 2016. "The Importance of Minority Teachers: Student Perceptions of  Minority versus White Teachers." Educational Researcher 45 (7): 407–420.

        -Covered in over twenty news outlets, including NPR, TIME, Business Insider, Huffington Post, Metro, and Essence.

        -Top 8th read article among all AERA publications in 2016 and top 10 most read article in Educational Researcher.

8. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. 2016. "Is All Classroom Conduct Equal? Teacher Contact with Parents of Racial/Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Adolescents." Teachers College Record 118 (11): 1–32.

        -Covered in outlets including The Atlantic, Education Week, and Science Daily.

7. Godfrey, Erin C., and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2016. "The Kids Are All Right? Income Inequality and Civic Engagement among Our Nation's Youth." Journal of Youth and Adolescence 45 (11): 2218–2232.

6. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. 2015. "Social Isolation among Racial/Ethnic Minority Immigrant Youth." Sociology Compass 9 (6): 509–518.

5. Hannum, Emily, Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng, Meiyan Wang. 2015. "Ethnic Disparities in Educational Attainment in  China: Considering the Implications of Interethnic Families." Eurasian Geography and Economics 56 (1): 8–23.

4. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Kristin Turney, and Grace Kao. 2014. "Less Socially Engaged?  Participation in  Friendship and Extracurricular Activities among Racial/Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Adolescents." Teachers College Record 116 (3): 1–28.

3. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, and Emily Hannum. 2013. "Community Poverty, Industrialization, and Educational Gender Gaps in Rural China." Social Forces 92 (2): 659–690.

2. Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Jessica McCrory Calarco, and Grace Kao. 2013. "Along for the Ride: Best  Friends' Resources and Adolescents’ College Completion." American Educational Research Journal 50 (1): 76–106.

1. Hannum, Emily, Xuehui An, and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2011. "Examinations and Educational Opportunity in China: Mobility and Bottlenecks for the Rural Poor." Oxford Review of Education 37 (2): 267–305.

*Indicates doctoral student

**Indicates Masters student


Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Fabian Barch. 2020. “Teacher Work Conditions among Public and Private Schools - A Comparative Perspective" Background paper prepared for the 2021 Global Education Monitoring Report. UNESCO: Paris.

Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Emily Hannum, and Chunping Lu. 2020. ""8: China.” Pp. 205–37 in The Palgrave Handbook for Race and Ethnic Inequalities in Education, edited by Peter Stevens and Gary Dworkin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Wen-Jui Han. 2018. “Who Teaches and How Do They View Different Groups of Students and Parents? The Case of China” Pp. 1–51, Background paper prepared for the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report. UNESCO: Paris.

Hannum, Emily and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. 2017. "Linguistic Capital: Links to Information Access and Economic  Opportunity among Rural Young Adults in Western China." in Ethnicity and Inequality in China, edited by Ding Sai, Bjorn Gustafsson, and Reza Hasmath. Oxford: Routledge (also to be published in translation in Chinese).

Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, and Emily Hannum. Forthcoming. "Multiple Sources of Disadvantage in China." in Multiple Sources of Disadvantage: Evidence on Promoting Equity and Inclusion in Education. World Bank Publications.


Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. 2017."Book Review: Brown, Amy (2008). A Good Investment? Philanthropy and the Marketing of Race in an Urban Public School. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press." Ethnic and Racial Studies.

Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, and Grace Kao. 2013. "Asian Americans," in James Ainsworth & Geoffrey J. Golson,  eds., Sociology of Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
* = Doctoral student

+ = Master's student


2022-2025 The Spencer Foundation (Large Grants), "Inequalities in Academic Advising and its Impacts in Higher Education," Principal Investigator, $394,885.

2022-2025              William T. Grant Foundation, “Reducing Inequalities for Immigrant, Multilingual Students in Secondary Schools,” Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Adriana Villavicencio, University of California, Irvine), $598,647.

2020-2022 National Science Foundation, "Collaborative Research: Investigating Immigrant Students’ Pathways from Kindergarten to College and into the STEM Workforce", Principal Investigator, $300,000.

2020-2022 Institute for Educational Sciences, “The Institute of Education Sciences-funded Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training (IES-PIRT),” Core Faculty.

2019-2023 US Department of State, "Multinational Institute of American Studies at New York University: Study of the United States Institute on U.S. Culture and Society," Principal Investigator, $840,000.

2019-2021 National Science Foundation, “Pre-Natal Exposure to Pollution and Effects on Early Childhood Outcomes,” Co-Investigator (PIs: Jere Behrman, Emily Hannum), $320,000.

2018-2021 William T. Grant Foundation, "Improving the Experiences and Outcomes of Immigrant Youth: An Examination of the Internationals Network for Public Schools," Principal Investigator, $589,000.

2016-2019 US Department of State, "Multinational Institute of American Studies at New York University: Study of the United States Institute on U.S. Culture and Society," Principal Investigator, $840,000.

2019-2020 University of Georgia, “An Investigation of Study Abroad through a Racial Lens,” Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Erich Dietrich), $2000.

2019 NYU Provost Megagrants Seed Award competition, “STEM Identities and K-Career Pathways of Immigrant Youth of Color.” Principal Investigator, $15,000.

2018 NYU Provost Megagrants Seed Award competition, “An Evaluation of NYU’s College and Career Lab.” Principal Investigator, $10,000.

2018-2019 NYU Institute for Human Development and Social Change, “Educational Pathways of Asian Americans: A Story of Upward Mobility?” Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PIs: Sumie Okazaki, Stella Flores), $15,000

2017-2018 NYU Institute for Human Development and Social Change, “The Importance of High School Composition for Emergent Bilinguals.” Principal Investigator, $18,000

2013-2014 AERA Dissertation Grant

2009-2013 Institute of Education Sciences (IES), Pre-doctoral Fellowship

2009-2014   University of Pennsylvania, William Fontaine Society, Student Diversity Fellowship


2019                     Steinhardt Undergraduate Student Government Faculty Award

2016, 2018       High Merit Distinction in Research, NYU, Steinhardt, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences in the Professions

2016                     Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Faculty Award for teaching excellence, leadership, social justice, and community building, NYU

2014                     Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corporation, Distinguished Service Award

2012                     International Sociological Association, RC28 Travel Award

2011                     University of Pennsylvania, Asian American Studies Graduate Paper Prize for "Immigrant Nonparticipation in School Activities"


04/2022 Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “Educational Diversity Among Asian Americans.” University of Pennsylvania Department of Sociology and the Center for the Study of 
            Ethnicity, Race, & Immigration.

02/2022         Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “Educational Truths as Anti-Blackness: Pipelines for STEM Diversity.” Yale University Center for Empirical Research on Stratification   
            and Inequality.

05/2021 Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “Anti-Asian American Discrimination during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” New York City Department of Administrative Affairs.

03/2021 Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “COVID-19 and Asian Restaurants in NYC.” NYU Shanghai Colloquium series.

05/2019               Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "What Students of Color Need from Teachers." Education Writers Association Conference (Baltimore).

05/2019               Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. Panelist in session: "Seeing Clearly and Boldly in Mind, Brain, & Education: The Interplay of Race and Learning from Adult-Child                                                          Interactions through Education Systems." Learning and the Brain Conference (New York City).

04/2019               Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Teacher Biases and its Implications for Advising." Pennsylvania State University, Division of Undergraduate Studies.

09/2018               Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Adaptation of Chinese International and Immigrant Students." Pennsylvania State University (Abington), Office of Global Affairs.

08/2018               Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Teacher Bias in the Classroom." The Hartford Foundation, Hartford, CT. 

04/2018              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Asian Americans and Education: A New Look." Teachers College, Columbia University, Asian/Asian American Education Conference.

02/2018              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Conceptualizing and Measuring Teacher Effects: The Case of China and the US." Strength through Diversity, OECD Policy Forum on                                              Learning from Data.

10/2017              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Is it All Equal? The Importance of Teacher-Parent Communication for Youth of Color." Keynote at CREC Institute of Teaching and                                                    Learning's Annual Conference on Families and School Engagement, Hartford, CT.

06/2017              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Immigration and Educational Stratification in the US." Comenius University, Department of Geography.

04/2017              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Jason Rarick, and Erin Godfrey. "Parenting in a New World: Migrant and Urban Parenting Differences in Shanghai, China." University                                             of Pennsylvania Center for the Study of Contemporary China Conference on Children's Welfare.

12/2016              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Lost in the Average. Asian-American Educational and Labor Market Attainment." National Taiwan Normal University, Department of                                            Taiwan Culture, Language, and Literature.

11/2015              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “Beyond the Model Minority Trope.” Syracuse University, Inaugural Presenter for Asian American/Asian Studies Program.

05/2015              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “Education’s Role in Reducing and Perpetuating Inequalities: The Cases of China and the US.” UNESCO, Paris. Education for All -                                                        Global Monitoring Report.

02/2015              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “The Role of the Teacher in the Adaptation of Minority Immigrant Students.” Arcadia University, PA. International Affairs Department

09/2014              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “The Social Isolation of Racial/Ethnic Minority and Immigrant Youth.” AERA Research Conference, Washington D.C.

06/2014              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "What Do We Mean by Diversity?" United States Army Medical Battalion, 327 Combat Operational Stress Control, Joint Base                                                            McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ.

07/2013              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. “Gender Gaps in Education in China.” University of Pennsylvania’s Summer Teacher’s Institute.

09/2012              Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Foreign Born Youth". The Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus.


04/2022 Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Amy Hsin, and Martha Moreno*. "The Pipeline Argument: Do Test Scores Explain the Lack of Diversity in STEM?"  Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Diego.

04/2022 Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Fabian Barch*. "Teachers and non-state actors: Global and local themes and investigations. (Presidential Highlighted Panel)." Annual meeting of the Comparative International Education Society, Minneapolis.

04/2021   Davis, Laura, Jasmine Whiteside*, and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "One Size Fits All? Gender, Race/Ethnicity, and Happiness in Schools." (roundtable) Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Virtual.

08/2020           Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Ying Lu, and Martha Moreno*. "The Importance of School English Language Learner (ELLs) Composition for High School ELLs." Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association,Virtual.

04/2019            Patton Miranda*, Chandler and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "Engaging the Immigrant Habitus: Pedagogical Practices of Speaking and Self-Advocacy." Annual                                                         meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Francisco.

03/2019            Liu, Jia-Lin* and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "Saving Face and the Educational Consequences for Children in Undocumented and Mixed-Status Chinese Families ."                                              Annual meeting of the Comparative International Education Society, Toronto.

04/2018            Patton Miranda*, Chandler and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "Accountability Reform and Responsive Assessment for Immigrant Youth." Annual meeting of the                                                        American Education Research Association, New York City.

04/2018            Liu, Jia-Lin* and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "Explaining Chinese Immigration." Annual meeting of the Comparative International Education Society, Mexico City.

08/2017            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, and Peter Halpin. "Teaching Bias? Relations between Teaching Quality and Classroom Demographic Composition." Annual meeting of            the International Sociological Association (RC28), New York City.

04/2017            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Laura Davis. "Multicultural Matters: An Investigation of Key Assumptions of Multicultural Education Reform in Teacher                                                                   Education." Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, San Antonio.

03/2017            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Jason Rarick*, and Erin Godfrey. "Beyond a Legal Status: Migrant and Urban Parenting Differences in Shanghai, China." Annual meeting                                         of the Comparative International Education Society, Atlanta, GA.

 08/2016           Liu, Jia-Lin* and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "Saving Face: Face Work and Downward Mobility among Undocumented Chinese Families." Annual meeting of the                                                  Comparative International Education Society, Atlanta, GA.

 03/2016           Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Jia-Lin Liu*. "Academic Networks and Expectations: the Paradox of Second-Generation Asian American." Annual meeting of the                                                  American Sociological Association, Seattle, WA.

 03/2016           Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Jia-Lin Liu*. "Academic Networks and Expectations: the Paradox of Second-Generation Asian American." Annual meeting of the                                                  Comparative International Education Society, Vancouver, B.C.

08/2015            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Phoebe Ho. "In Thoughts, Words, and Deeds: Are Social Class Differences in Parental Involvement Similar across Racial/Ethnic                                                  and Immigrant Groups?" Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, IL.

03/2015            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Wen-Jui Han. “Teacher Perceptions of Urban and Rural Youth in China.” Annual meeting of the Comparative International                                                              Education Society, Washington, D.C.

03/2015            Hannum, Emily and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. “Linguistic Capital, Information Access and Economic Opportunity among Rural Young Adults in Western China.”                                              Annual meeting of the Comparative International Education Society, Washington, D.C.

08/2014            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Teachers, Parents, and Their Roles in the Adaptation of Minority and Immigrant Adolescents". Annual meeting of the American                                                         Sociological Association, San Francisco.

 05/2014           Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "The Ties That Bind: The Role of Teacher Relationships in the Adaptation of Minority and Immigrant Adolescents". Annual meeting of                                             the Population Association of America, Boston.

04/2014            Hannum, Emily and Hua-Yu Sebastian Cherng. "Educational Barriers and Opportunities for Children of the Rural Poor in China." Annual meeting of the                                                                   Comparative International Education Society, Toronto.

04/2014            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Teachers as Socializers of Immigrant Youth? The Importance of Teachers’ Personal Relationships with Racial/Ethnic Minority and                                                    Immigrant Adolescents." (roundtable) Annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Philadelphia.

03/2013            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Community Poverty, Industrialization, and Educational Gender Gaps in Rural China." Annual meeting of the                                                         Comparative International Education Society, New Orleans.

05/2012            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Adolescent Differences in Relationship among Same-Sex Sexual Activity, Attraction, and Non-Heterosexual Identity, and the Stability                                          of Sexuality over Time." Annual meeting of the Population Association of America, San Francisco.  

05/2012            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Ethnic Categorization and Cross-Generational Boundary Crossing in China." Annual meeting of the Population                                                 Association of America, San Francisco.

05/2012            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Gender and Access to Education in Rural China." Annual meeting of the International Sociological Association                                                   (RC28), Hong Kong.

04/2012            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Ethnic Minorities and Education in China." Annual meeting of the Comparative International Education Society,                                                San Juan, Puerto Rico.

04/2012            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Ethnic Categorization and Cross-Generational Boundary Crossing in China." Annual meeting of the Comparative                                             International Education Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

04/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian, Kristin Turney, and Grace Kao. "Are Immigrant Children Isolated at School? Nonparticipation in Extracurricular and Friendship                                                            Activities among Foreign-Born Youth." Annual meeting of the Association for Asian American Studies, Washington, D.C.

08/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Gender and access to education in rural China: Old stories and new developments." (roundtable)  Annual meeting                                            of the American Sociology Association, Las Vegas.

08/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Investigating gender and educational progress in China with comparisons across time and place."  Annual meeting                                          of the North American Chinese Sociologist Association, Las Vegas. 

05/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Gender and access to education in rural China: Old stories and new developments." Annual meeting of the                                                            Comparative and International Education Society, Montreal.

05/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Emily Hannum. "Indigenous Peoples and Ethnic Minorities: Education Challenges."  Annual meeting of the Comparative and                                                          International Education Society, Montreal.

04/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian and Grace Kao. "Immigrant Nonparticipation in School Activities: Isolation and Lowered Academic Expectations."  Annual meeting of                                               the Population Association of America, Washington, D.C. 

04/2011            Cherng, Hua-Yu Sebastian. "Creating an Index That Can Distinguish Quality of Implementation in an RCT Experiment." IES Conference, National Harbor, MD.


Akuffo, Rachelle. "Working Class College Students." CGTN-Global Business, May 1, 2019. (Link to video)

Walter, Mike. "Chinese Students Abroad." CGTN-America News hour, December 20, 2017. (Link to video)

Gonzalez, Sarah. "As City Recruits Male Teachers of Color, Retention Challenges Persist." WNYC, November 13, 2017.  (Link to video)

Fan, Wang and Yuan Yue. "An Uphill Struggle: Chinese Students' Endeavor to Fit in on U.S. Campus." Xinhua News (Beijing, China), January 4, 2016. (Link to video

Taylor, Ramon. "International Students Face Uphill Battle Securing US Jobs." Voice of America, June 2, 2016. (Link to video)


2016-                          The Nature of Inequality, NYU Abu Dhabi (at NYU Shanghai)

2014-                          Introduction to Statistics for International Education, NYU Washington Square Campus

2014-                          Interdisciplinary Perspectives on New Immigration, NYU Washington Square Campus

2014                            Instructor for Master's Paper Seminar 

2007-2009              8th grade mathematics instructor (Algebra I, Geometry), KIPP Bayview Academy, San Francisco, CA

2008-2009              Lead instructor and college counselor, Upward Bound, University of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

2003-2005              Student Teacher, The Cambridgeport School (through the MIT Teacher Education Program), Cambridge, MA

2002-2003              Foreign Expert in Foreign Languages Department, Anhui University of Technology and Science, Wuhu, China



2019- Editorial Advisory Board, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis (EEPA)

2017-                           Committee member, American Sociological Association Distinguished Contributions to Teaching Award Selection Committee

2016-                           Section organizer, International Migration / Asian and Asian American sections, American Sociological Association 

2016-                           Board member, International Chinese Sociology Associations 

Occasional reviewer for National Science Foundation, William T. Grant Foundation, Hong Kong Research Council, American Sociological Review, American Educaiton Research Journal, American Journal of Sociology, Demography, Child Development, Teachers College Record, The Sociological Quarterly, Population Research and Policy Review, Social Problems, Sociology of Education, Youth and Society, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Journal of Teacher Education, Modern China, Asia Pacific Journal of Education, Asia Pacific Education Review, Journal of International Migration and Integration, AERA Open, SAGE Open, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs


2017-                           Faculty Advisory Council, NYU Wasserman Career Development Center

2016-                           Selection Committee, NYU NIAS Award for Social Justice

2016-2017               Search committee member for NYU's inaugural Chief Diversity Officer

2014-                           Panelist and facilitator for multiple events on Ferguson and #BlackLivesMatter through NYU CMEP, Faculty participant in multiple NYU’s Center for                                                                       Multicultural Education and Programs (NYU CMEP) events, including graduate student of color dinners, high school social justice fairs, etc.


2016-                           Chair of Academic Affairs Committed (2021 - ), Chair of School Planning Committee (2018-2020), at-large member of NYU Steinhardt Faculty Senate (School
                                          Planning Committee, Elections Committee)

2015-                           Committee member for three faculty searches in Steinhardt and two administrative searchers

2016                             Conference chair and organizer, Immigration Conference @ NYU Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools


2010-2014              Academic instructor and founder, Philadelphia Chinatown Development Center 2 hour SAT and college prep class / week through the academic year and                                                     summer, Distinguished Service Award

2010-2014              Workshop organizer on immigrant issues, Asian Americans United

2011-2014              Participant, LGBT Immigration Community Meeting

2011-2014              Student co-organizer of Education and Inequality Workshop in Sociology Department

2012                            Student co-organizer of Education and Inequality Workshop 2013 Conference

2012                            Panelist for graduate transitions conference, McNair Scholars, University of Pennsylvania

2012                            Panelist for students of HBCU/HSI, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania

2011-2012              Academic instructor, QSpot and the Philadelphia Family Planning Center (design, organize, and implement academic, GED, and SAT courses that serve queer                                             youth)

2009-2010              Planning Committee for William Fontaine Society, Student Diversity Fellowship 


2015-                           Chair of two doctoral students in International Education and Sociology of Education, committee member on five committees, reader on seven doctoral                                                        committees, chair of three Masters students theses in Sociology of Education

2015-                           Supervisor of one Steinhardt Undergraduate Honors Seminar and one McNair fellow from DePaul University

2015-                           Faculty mentor on science fair projects for two students from Bronx High School of Science


2011-2012             Short-Term Consultant, Education Team, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

2005-2007             Co-Founder, Paradygm Technologies, Inc., Shanghai, China

2004-2005             Education Intern, Biogen Idec, Cambridge, MA


American Educational Research Association

American Sociological Association 

Populations Association of America

Comparative and International Education Society

International Sociological Association, RC28 (Stratification)

Association for Asian American Studies


Available upon request