multiplot -- potential and layer-projected DOS

set term postscript eps enhanced 16

set output 'sto_sro_VstPDOS.eps'

zcell = 47.36400000

Vvac = 8.36396

Vcnt = 3.620

CBM = 6.34060

BGC = 5.54535

VBM = 4.75010

dcell = 3.947

# Gap (eV) = 1.59050

# VBM, CBM (eV) = 4.75010 6.34060

# Fermi Energy (eV) = 5.54535

xtio4 = 0.00000 ; xsro4 = 1.972

xtio3 = 3.948 ; xsro3 = 5.913

xtio2 = 7.900 ; xsro2 = 9.830

xtio1 = 11.88 ; xsro1 = 13.7

set multiplot

ymin=-9 ; ymax=1

xmin=-1.5 ; xmax=18

set size 0.55,0.55

set origin 0.0,0.0

set xr[xmin:xmax]

set yr[ymin:ymax]

set xtics -20,4,35

set ytics -10,2,2

set xtics nomirror

set xlabel "Surface Normal Direction (Ang)"

set ylabel "V - V_{vac} (Volt)"

set y2tics (' ' 0)

set y2label " "

set key samplen 1

set nokey

set x2tics ("" xtio4,"" xsro4,"" xtio3,"" xsro3,"" xtio2,"" xsro2,"" xtio1,"" xsro1)

set tmargin 0

set label "TiO_{2}" at xtio4,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "SrO " at xsro4,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "TiO_{2}" at xtio3,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "SrO " at xsro3,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "TiO_{2}" at xtio2,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "SrO " at xsro2,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "TiO_{2}" at xtio1,ymax-2 rotate by 90

set label "SrO " at xsro1,ymax-2 rotate by 90

p 'sto_pbe_117_srosro.Vst.dat' u 1:($2-Vvac) w l lt 1 lw 3 lc 9 t 'V_{static}',\

'sto_pbe_117_srosro.Vst.dat' u 1:($4-Vvac) w l lt 1 lw 3 lc 7 t 'V@^{avg}_{static}' ,\

'sto_pbe_117_srosro.Vst.dat' u (-$1):($2-Vvac) w l lt 1 lw 3 lc 9 t 'V_{static}',\

'sto_pbe_117_srosro.Vst.dat' u (-$1):($4-Vvac) w l lt 1 lw 3 lc 7 t 'V@^{avg}_{static}'


set nolabel

set size 0.5635,0.45

set origin 0.0,0.55

set noxlabel

set noy2tics

set noy2label

set xr[xmin:xmax]

set yr[ymin:ymax]

set y2range[ymin+Vvac-BGC:ymax+Vvac-BGC]

set noxtics

set ytics -10,2,2

set ytics nomirror

set y2tics -10,2,10

set ylabel "E-|e|V_{vac} (eV)"

set y2label "E - BGC (eV)"

set nox2tics

#set x2label "Layer-projected DOS (arb. unit)"

set arrow from xmin,CBM-Vvac to xmax,CBM-Vvac lt 1 lw 2 lc 9 nohead

set arrow from xmin,VBM-Vvac to xmax,VBM-Vvac lt 1 lw 2 lc 9 nohead

set bmargin 0

set tmargin 2

p 'pdos_brd100meV_1stlay.dat' u ($2*1.0+(xtio1+xsro1)*0.5):($1-Vvac) w l lt 1 lc 3 lw 3 ,\

'pdos_brd100meV_2ndlay.dat' u ($2*1.0+(xtio2+xsro2)*0.5):($1-Vvac) w l lt 1 lc 3 lw 3 ,\

'pdos_brd100meV_3rdlay.dat' u ($2*1.0+(xtio3+xsro3)*0.5):($1-Vvac) w l lt 1 lc 3 lw 3 ,\

'pdos_brd100meV_4thlay.dat' u ($2*1.0+(xtio4+xsro4)*0.5):($1-Vvac) w l lt 1 lc 3 lw 3