Research Group


KAIST 수리과학과 기하위상수학 및 기하군론 연구실 페이지입니다. 

저희 연구실은 한국연구재단의 후원을 받고 있습니다. 

Welcome to the webpage for Team for Academic Research on GEometric Topology.  

Our research group is supported by National Research Foundation of Korea. 

기하위상수학(Geometric topology), 기하군론(geometric group theory), 저차원 위상수학(low-dimensional topology), 타이휘뮐러 이론(Teichmüller theory) 등을 연구하고 있으며 연구원들의 최근 연구 토픽들 중 일부를 소개하면 다음과 같습니다. 

 연구책임자 (PI)

백형렬 Hyungryul Baik

(Tenured) Associate Professor (KAIST)  

Cornell Ph.D. (2014)

  - Advisor: William Thurston, John Hubbard, Dylan Thurston 

  - Thesis: Laminations on the circle and hyperbolic geometry

KAIST B.S. (2009)

 연구원 (Current members)

김준석 Junseok Kim (webpage)

PhD student (KAIST)

KAIST M.S. (2020)

   - Advisor: Prof. Hyungryul Baik

Korea University B.S. (2018) 

Research Interest: Geometric group theory, right-angled Artin groups

Selected papers: 

백주헌 Juhun Baik (webpage)

PhD student (KAIST)

SKKU B.S. (2019)

Research Interest: Teichmüller theory, complex dynamics 

Selected papers:

Brendan Murran

PhD student (KAIST)

Harvey Mudd College B.S. (2019)

Research Interest: Geometric group theory and related topics

Hongjun Lee (KAIST)

PhD student (KAIST)

KAIST B.S. (2022)

Research Interest: Geometric group theory and related topics

이동하 Dongha Lee  (co-advisor: Jingsung Park (KIAS)) (website)

PhD student (KAIST)

GIST B.S. (2020)

Research Interest: Chern-Simon invariant, renormalized volume

오준성 Junseong O 

PhD student (KAIST)

U of Seoul B.S. (2023)

Research Interest: Geometric Group Theory

이동민 Dongmin Lee

PhD student (KAIST)

Sogang University M.S. (2024)

Sogang University B.S. (2022)

Research Interest: Geometric Group Theory


장원용 Wonyong Jang (webpage). PhD Student during 2018.01-2025.02. 

최인혁 Inhyeok Choi (webpage). PhD Student during 2018.12-2023.02. June Huh Fellow. Currently a postdoc at Cornell University. 

정성구 Sunggu Jeong. PhD Studen during 2018.09 -2023.02.

김창섭 Changsub Kim. PhD Student during 2018.01-2023.02.  

Philippe Aurelio Tranchida (webpage). PhD student during 2018.08-2022.08. Currently a postdoc at MPIM. 

오상록 Sangrok Oh (webpage). PhD student during 2018.09-2022.02. Currently a postdoc at UPV/EHU.  

김경로 Kyeong-Ro Kim (webpage).  Phd student during 2017.06-2021.08.  Sejong Fellow. Currently a postdoc at Seoul National University. 

서동균 Donggyun Seo. Postdoc during 2020.09-2021.08. Currently a postdoc at Seoul National University. 

김동률 Dongryul M. Kim (webpage). Undergraduate research student during 2019.08-2021.08. Currently a PhD student at Yale University 


(2024.11.1) Won Yong Jang defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations! 

(2024.9.2) Junseong O and Dongmin Lee joined our group, welcome! 

(2024.7.25) Prof. Baik's article about 'Flows in 3-manifolds' appeared on KIAS webzine Horizon  (Link)

(2024.1.15-19) Our group hosts KAIST Geometric Topology Fair 2024! (Link)

(2023.12.29) Prof. Baik's paper 'Asymptotic translation lengths and normal generation for pseudo-Anosov monodromies of fibered 3-manifolds' was selected as an excellent paper by the school of natural sciences at KAIST. 

(2023.11.17) Prof. Baik's article about 'Ping-pong lemma' appeared on KIAS webzine Horizon (Link)

(2023.1.5) Hongjun Lee joined our group, welcome! 

(2022.12.12) Inhyeok Choi defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations!

(2022.11.28) Changsub Kim and Seonggu Jeong defended their PhD theses successfully. Congratulations!

(2022.8) Brendan Murran joined our group, welcome! 

(2022.7) Prof. Baik's article about 'What is Topology?' appeared on KIAS webzine Horizon (Link). 

(2022.6.17) Prof. Baik's story appeared on Weekly Chosun (Link).

(2022.6.14) Philippe Tranchida defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations!

(2021.11.26) Sangrok Oh defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations!

(2021.8) Dr. Kyeong-Ro Kim and Dr. Donggyun Seo are leaving for their new jobs at SNU. Congratulations! 

(2021.6.8) Kyeong-Ro Kim defended his PhD thesis successfully. Congratulations! 

(2020.12.10) Prof. Baik is selected as a new member of Y-KAST (Press, KAIST). 

(2020.9.1) Dr. Donggyun Seo joined our group, welcome!  

(2020.8.31) Dongha Lee joined our group, welcome! 

(2020.5.1) Prof. Baik's research was introduced in KAIST Compass (News letter for the school of natural science) (Link).

(2020.3.18) Prof. Baik's research was selected for The Top Ten KAIST Research Achievements in 2019 (Link).

(2020.3.1) Prof. Baik received EWon Assistant Professorship for Outstanding Junior Faculty (Link).

(2019.8.30) Prof. Baik's collaboration with medical researchers was introduced through the press (Link). 

(2019.6.20) Juhun Baik joined our group, welcome! 

(2018.12.27) Inhyeok Choi joined our group, welcome!

(2018.12.17) Prof. Baik's article about 'coarse geometry' appeared on KIAS webzine Horizon (Link). 

(2018.12.1) Prof. Baik joined the editorial board of KIAS webzine 'Horizon' (website). 

(2018.11) Prof. Baik is introduced in KMS Newsletter for Nov. 2018 (Link). 

(2018.11) Prof. Baik's article about 'topology and medical science' appeared in the newsletter for Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology (Link). 

(2018.10) Prof. Baik's article about Adrien Douady appeared in the newsletter for Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST (Link). 

(2018.10.05) Prof. Baik received Sangsan Prize for Young Mathematicians from Korean Mathematical Society (Press, KAIST). 

(2018.8.27) Philippe Tranchida joined our group, welcome! 

(2018.6.28) Jun seok Kim joined our group, welcome! 

(2018.4.23) Prof. Baik's research was introduced in KAIST Compass (News letter for the school of natural science) (Link). 

(2018.4.20) [Announcement] Topology session of KAIX Summer school will be held at KAIST from June 25 to July 2. 

(2018.1.20) [Announcement] The 13th East Asian School of Knots and Related Topics will be held at KAIST from Jan 29 to Feb 1. 

(2018.1.2)   Changsub Kim and Won Yong Jang joined our group, welcome! 

(2017.9.28) Prof. Baik got a research grant from Samsung Science & Technology Foundation (KAIST). 

(2017.8.30) Prof. Baik was selected as a Posco Science Fellow by Posco TJ Park Foundation (Press, KAIST). 

(2017.7) Prof. Baik's tribute for William Paul Thurston appeared in KMS Newsletter for Jul. 2017 (Link).

(2017.6) Kyeong-ro Kim joined our group, welcome! 

(2017.5) Prof. Baik is introduced as new faculty and his short tribute for William Paul Thurston appeared in the newsletter for Department of Mathematical Sciences, KAIST (Link1, Link2).

(2017.5) Prof. Baik is introduced in KMS Newsletter for May 2017 as a new member of KMS (Link).

(2017.2.15) Prof. Baik joined KAIST Department of Mathematical Sciences as a faculty member.