Joint Venture - Mother Lode Potential

Joint Venture into the Honey Hole Mine

The mineral tenure assets are now valued at 3 billion Canadian dollars


Company Type: Junior/Exploration         Public/Private: Private         Commodities: Gold, Silver         Total Funds Required: $ 201,000,000.


Mineral Tenure Assets

The Mineral Holdings

These Prime Gold Mining Properties are in the middle of Mineral Stock Trading Properties

These projects are ready to commence and move forward.

The accurate data collected from the geophysical surveys and drill targets will determine the value for the production stage.

The early exploration JV project phases include several secured contracts:

The reputable experienced geologist with experience at some of Canada's largest mines, marking the stations for the survey team and observing in the field. The line-cutting company is experienced line cutters for many of the largest mines in Canada. The professional Geophysical Survey Company of Canada, conducting the survey methods to acquire accurate data in the field, also the scientist that performs the scientific research and data acquisition interpretation of the data to ensure accurate data. One of the largest drill companies in Canada will conduct a state-of-the-art diamond drill method for these depths, using an environmentally safe structured plan.

The construction/development plan and design will include the most cost-effective and efficient mining method to incorporate into the production stage of the JV project.

Featuring the JV mine site project mineral assets.

This prime mineral mining group of Honey Hole Mines Ltd. is located outside of Likely B.C. Canada.

The other discoveries in the JV mine site are also featured in the videos, slideshows , and photos.

The presence of stratabound massive sulphides as well as mesothermal or mother lode style gold mineralization in a zone located on the Honey Hole Mine.

Honey Hole Mines Ltd. recently received the Preliminary Geological Compilation Report ,which showed that we are on strike and right in the middle of several identified mineralized trends, which bodes well for a significant discovery. The mineralization on the Honey Hole Mine appears to be widespread.

To date at least two, possibly four vein sets have been identified, along with several localized breccia zones and minor stockwork veining.

The assets are drill ready for a joint venture and are on strike, this mining group has been secured for more than 27 years.

To date this includes Gold, Silver, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Telluride, and Galena.

"The Discovery Mine" owned by Honey Hole Mines Ltd., is also in this group.

Over the last several years, significant work has been done to prepare this property for exploration.

Some of this work focused on researching applicable exploration methods and then designing a program that would enable the most efficient and cost-effective execution of that program.

To that end, a detailed design was built. This design was then successfully used to acquire extended time permits for line cutting, geophysics, and drilling.

This is a huge bonus given the current state of affairs related to permitting in British Columbia.

. . .

-  The Exploration Permits Are Ready  -

MX-4-683, #14-1621410-1210, #14-1621410-0909

Geophysical survey mineral permits have been approved for the Total Field Magnetics and 2D Resistivity/IP

Diamond Drilling 10-hole mineral permit is also approved.


Honey Hole Mines Ltd. Property Location Map


The property is located in the Cariboo Mining Division and is approximately 95 kilometers N.E. of the city of Williams Lake, B.C. Canada via a paved highway to the town of Likely, B.C., and 25 km of gravel road to the mining property. The area is well-served by regional infrastructure.

Service Areas

The nearest supply center is situated in Williams Lake B.C. and is a logging and lumber centre serviced by scheduled daily air service from Vancouver.

Necessary supplies and equipment as well as local labor and modern communications are readily available.


The mineral tenure assets on the Honey Hole Mines Ltd. group to date include Gold, Silver, Molybdenum, Cobalt, Chalcopyrite, Pyrite, Telluride, Sulfides, Phyllite, and Galena.

To the southeast of the property, recently discovered VMS showings demonstrated very high Pb, Zn, CU, and Ag along with the anomalous Sb, Bi, Se, and Sn and many correlate to the many massive sulphide boulders discovered on the Honey Hole Mine property. Some of these veins on the Honey Hole Mine property appear to demonstrate similarities to the mother lode district of California.



There is extensive history available in the area and we do provide many pdf files on our website that pertain only to the area in which the property is located.


Dean Paetkau - CEO

Head Office:  +1 (778) 763 - 0669
