
you're not walter white.

You watch Breaking Bad and you think- “I could do that- if it came down to it, I could.” You understand Walt’s choices and you hope that you’d make the same ones for the same good reasons.  read more>>

snack attack

Last night I was hanging out alone, watching reruns of “King of Queens” and I had a hankering for something to snack on. There was little to nothing in my cupboards unless, of course, I was hungry for a cup of detox tea and a White Cheddar rice cake. Which, let’s be clear. Rice cakes should not be labeled as ‘flavored’ anything. It’s almost like- the idea of a flavor was turned into powder and then blown into your mouth with compressed air to coat it... read more>>


The gravity with which the North Koreans use the word- Wolverines- in the “Red Dawn” remake has to be it’s most ludicrous plot point.

Don’t get me wrong-

I think having Thor boss around a bunch of overly dramatic high school aged children is a stretch. I realize the audacity of a plot that includes... read more>>

gymming it.

Going to the gym takes time, energy and effort. Just making it there can be a challenge and could, in some cases, be considered a workout in and of it self. On those days when I can only muster the energy to make it to the gym, there are five options I give myself to pass the time there so that I feel like I’ve accomplished something... read more>>