Jesus I My Cross Have Taken

This song is being taught by a well-known person at a very exclusive meeting. It is therefore highly copyrighted (Download attachment). But you may download it and let us share the consequences later.

Jesus, I my cross have taken

All to leave and follow Thee

Destitute, despised, forsaken

Thou from hence my all shall be

I will follow Thee my Saviour

Thou did shed Thy blood for me

And though all the world forsake Thee

By Thy grace I will follow Thee

Yesu mafa m’asendua no

Magyae ne ny’naa medi W’akyi

Awerehow ne yaw nyinaa mu

Wo nkotoo na Woye mede

Medi W’akyi daa m’Agyenkwa

Wo de Wo mogya ato me

Na se wiase ny’naa bepa Wo a

W’adom nti medi W’akyi daa