Domfo Nyame

Scroll to the bottom to download this never-published before version of Apostle Opoku Onyinah's sweet song of assurance.

Domfo Nyame ne Wo

Yεkoto sɔre Wo

Domfo Nyame ne Wo

Yεkamfo Wo daa daa

Wo mmɔborɔhunu to rentwa da

W’adom bosu gu yεn so daa

Te sε asubura a εrepem a

Erennwe dabiara da


Okyεso Nyame ne Wo

Wokyε ma εso obiara so

Okyεso Nyame ne Wo

Yεdan wo abere nyinaa

W’atimmɔbɔ tim hɔ daa

W’ayamye no so yεn nyinaa so

T’sε beremporɔ nsuo ne asusɔ a

Etɔ ne berem’ abere nyinaa


Otumfo Nyame ne Wo

Yehy’ra Wo din daa daa

Otumfo Nyame ne Wo

Yεtrontron Wo maninyε

W’ahummɔbɔ nni awiei

W’adɔyε no to rentwa da

T’sε nsuo aniwa a εrepem a

Eto rentwa dabiara da

 Gracious God you are

We bow to worship you

Gracious God you are

We shall ever praise you

Your mercies shall never end

Your grace drips down on us

Like a well that springs up

Never ever runs dry


Liberal provider you are

You do provide for all

Liberal provider you are

Depend we on your providence

Your affection is ever sure

Your goodness covers all

Like the spring and autumn rains

Never fail in season.


Almighty God you are

Your name we ever bless

Almighty God you are

Your greatness we exalt

Your favour never ends

Your kindness never cease’

Like a spring that will

Never ever run dry