Youth Group
Holden's Youth Group is for everyone who wants to get the most out of life. Whatever your interests or abilities, no matter who you hang out with, Holden's Youth Group welcomes you.
And if you're a parent, or simply an adult who cares about kids in your church, we welcome your involvement. There are a variety of ways you can serve and impact the lives of kids in your church.
Holden Luther League Calendar of Events
2015 Youth Gathering - Detroit, Michigan
What is one way that I can Rise Up when I get home?
Tell others about the Lord.
Share what I learned to other people. Proclaim Justice.
Share with congregation & others our experiences at Youth Gathering.
Organize service opportunities in our area.
Conversations & Actions on justice issues.
Volunteer more and try to be more involved in the church and community.
Show leadership skills I learned here.
Tell others what I learned.
I will encourage more openness and try to talk to more people about my problems rather than hide them all the time. Also show more support.
Helping people realize that we are all God’s children and we can help out!
Be helpful.
I am going to tell people about Jesus and I’m going to Rise Up and encourage others to also, That’s what God wants us to do.
I can help my community rise up by helping spread the Word of God.
Lead younger students to engage in community activities, help others, and to always keep moving forward.
We could get together as a community and help with Papa’s that burned down.
Encourage others to join in activities that better the community.
Spread the word of God to inform that we are all God’s children and he loves us all the time.
I’m going to get the boys in our church to help the elderly women into the church in winter.
I can help Kenyon by being creative in ways to raise money for stuff. I can go to the Earth Extravaganza.
Help neighbors with yard work.
Tell people about Jesus.
Tell people about what I learned & experienced in Detroit.
Spread what I learned with the community.
Informing others about my trip.
Help neighbors with yard work.
Looking for service opportunities in our area.
Treat everyone equally and try to make bridges.
I will encourage others to do the little things to brighten people’s day.
Spread the word of the Lord and be a leader.
Tell people about our experience and how easy it is to help people in need.
What was your favorite memory of the Gathering?
At Ford Field when everyone is all worshiping. 30,000 people all at once was amazing.
I liked when we did the service work in the community.
Hard to choose! Seeing kids work together on Proclaim Justice day and talking with kids about their experiences.
When Pastor Paul gave a bible to a lady in the street and she was so happy!
Meeting new people.
When people were honking at us as we were cleaning up the sidewalks and singing with everyone in Ford Field.
Seeing Skillet (a band that performed)
Talking to new people. Togetherness.
The tour of the Henry Ford Plant.
Cleaning out the “jungle” to create a garden.
The events at Ford Field every night. It was absolutely amazing being in the same room with 30,000 Lutherans all building their faith and worshipping Jesus.
My favorite part was the hotel.
When Caleb turned the heat in our hotel room to 80 degrees!
When we gave bibles to people and they read them right in front of us because they just couldn’t wait!
Proclaim Justice Day.
Hanging out with friends and cleaning the trees for the garden.
On service day, we had a block party and all the little kids came over and danced with us.
Making new friends from other states.
Clearing the trees with Steven.
Playing Bouncy house volleyball.
Helping to clear trees to make a community garden.
Talking with the people that lived around the community we helped.
The 3rd night at Ford Field, (the end song performance)
Cleaning the streets and seeing the locals happy reactions.
Seeing the bands Agape and Skillet.
Service in the city was very rewarding.
When we were doing service work and all the people who were grateful what we were doing and interested in us.
Clean out the jungle with Steven.
Waling around at Cobo and helping Steven clear the jungle.
Our service day.
Making a community garden.
Lisa Dierks getting down on the dance floor!
Making two new friends at the Minnesota synod gathering.
Giving a bible to a man and how he reacted to the simple gift.
When we were on the main floor of Ford Field.
2016 Senior Recognition
Ronald McDonald House - March 2015
2015 Youth Gathering, Detroit, MI
Youth Lenten Supper - March 2015
Rally Day Sunday Workers - September 7, 2014
Youth attending the 2012 ELCA Youth Gathering in New Orleans!
Youth with Mr. Anderson
Washing dishes after Lenten meal 2013
Mary, Ashley & Allisa at Luthercrest July 2013
Heading off to Luthercrest!!