
These committees and boards should have at least three members. Normally the term of office will coincide with the number of members on the committee or boards. All committees and boards will chose a chairperson and, if necessary, a recording secretary each year following the annual meeting. The chairperson, or a designated member, shall be a voting member of the Church Council.

The organization of these committees and boards shall take place before the first Church Council meeting following the annual meeting. These committees and boards may appoint task forces or individuals to work on special projects.


This board has the responsibility for the care and management of the cemetery and its funds and to keep the Church Council informed. This board shall have separate Articles, Bylaws and Officers including President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


The primary focus of this committee is on long-range planning. It will plan and coordinate congregational activities such as fellowship dinners for the Annual Meeting, Park Service and Rally Day. It shall help the congregation become involved in community activities such as the Food Shelf and inter-congregational services and activities.

It shall use the newsletter as a vehicle to inform all members of the work of the Church Council and the committees and boards; also use this method to acknowledge members who have received special awards or recognition or any noteworthy activity in which a member is involved. It shall support and encourage the various organizations within the congregation.


The primary focus of this committee is on Christian education in the congregation. It will secure teachers and staff for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, emphasizing also adult educational opportunities. It will plan and implement workshops and other meetings to enable the teachers and staff to be more effective in their duties.

It will keep informed of and understand the confirmation and communion preparation ministries. It will encourage the youth to participate in retreats, Bible Camp, conventions and other activities.


The primary focus of this committee is the mission of the church and to lift up the congregation's ministry to it's members. This will include outreach and care to new and prospective members, the sick, grieving, housebound, residents of nursing homes, or anyone with specific needs.

Under the pastor's guidance and instruction members of this committee may carry Holy Communion to the homebound and sick.


This board has the responsibility for the care and management of the park and its funds and to keep the Church Council informed

This board shall have its own officers: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.


The primary focus of this committee shall be the care and maintenance of the buildings and land owned by the congregation excluding the cemetery and park. It shall continually observe all buildings, the parking lot and grounds for maintenance needs. It shall make arrangements to receive bids for land rent to be presented to the Church Council. It shall review the insurance program and make recommendations to the Church Council. It shall set up regulations concerning the borrowing of church property for off-site use.


The primary focus of this committee shall be the finances of the congregation. It shall prepare a budget for council approval to be presented at the annual meeting. It shall make an in depth study of salaries (excluding the pastor) and present proposals to the Church Council. It shall work out a plan for Memorial Gifts.


The primary focus of this committee is the worship life of the congregation. It shall secure scripture readers, acolytes, and persons to assist in distribution of the elements for Holy Communion. It shall be responsible for music, working closely with the pastor, organist and choir director. It shall assist the pastor with plans for special services such as Lent and festival days. It shall be responsible for the preparations for the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. It shall be responsible for the decoration of the sanctuary such as at Christmas and Easter; and be responsible for banners.