Pastor's Greeting

Greetings in Christ! Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

We are a people rooted in God's love. God has continued to bless this congregation throughout its long history and we are attentive to the way God's blessings continue to be made real in our lives. We believe we are blessed to be a blessing.

We are a people called to share God's love with our community. We support local and global organizations that serve those society has cast aside. Whether it is the local food shelf or organizations like ReachGlobal, it is important that we see the ways God is at work in those organizations and continue to support them in anyway we can.

We are a people called to worship our God. We worship each week on Sunday. Worship is a time when we can intentionally connect with God. We explore that connection through liturgy, prayer, song, and reflection.

My prayer for you is that your time with us is life-giving. That you feel loved and valued while you are here. Whether it is in worship, service, or fellowship know that you are a beloved child of God. I pray that God will bless you each day.

Glory be to God!

Pastor Dustin Haider