Retired Working Papers

Confounding, spillovers and interactions influence estimates of social distancing policy effects. José Ramón Enríquez, Horacio Larreguy, and Alberto Simpser [Download PDF]  

Understanding the General Equilibrium Effects of Compulsory Voting on Policy: Evidence from Peru.  Miguel Angle Carpio, Beatriz Cordova, Horacio Larreguy and Julie A. Weaver. 2019. [Download Preliminary and Incomplete PDF] 

Peer Effects in Campaign Contributions: Evidence from the Members of the Corporate Boards of the S&P 1500 List. Horacio Larreguy and Edoardo Teso. March 2018. [Download Preliminary and Incomplete PDF]

Information, Networks and Informal Insurance: Evidence from a Lab Experiment in the Field. Arun Chandrasekhar, Cynthia Kinnan, and Horacio Larreguy. 2011. [Download Preliminary and Incomplete PDF] 

Authority. Ernst Fehr, Horacio Larreguy, and Daniel Schunk.