Data resources

Panel of Twitter users in each Mexican municipality (2006-2023)

[code and data repository]

Merge of the DHS surveys for Africa and data from the Joshua Project ( on Christian penetration of each ethnic group in Africa

[code and data repository]

These data exercises took place in the context of 

Mexican ENLACE test score data

Measured achievement in Spanish and Mathematics of all students from 3rd to 6th grade of primary school, 1st to 3rd grade of secondary school, and 3rd grade of upper secondary school in all schools in the country between 2006 and 2014.

[see Xaber data repository]  [see INEE data repository] 

Mexican 911 Format

Statistical information on all educational centers from the 1998-1999 school year to the 2018-2019 school year.

[see Xaber data repository]  [see INEE data repository]

Traffic violations in Mexico City

[see CDMX data repository]

Road accidents in Mexico City

[see CDMX data repository]

Share bike ride and protected bike lane data  in Mexico City

Historical data of individual trips

[see CDMX data repository]

Bike lane shapefile

[see CDMX data repository]

Docking stations shapefile

[see CDMX data repository]

Mexican Public Municipal Health Infrastructure   

[see Ministry of Health data repository]

Mexican Public Hospital Records

[see Ministry of Health data repository]

Mexican CPI prices dataset from Etienne Gagnon's website

[see Etienne Gagnon's website]

Mexican Average CPI Prices from INEGI 

[see INEGI's website for 2011-2018 microdata]

[see INEGI's website for 2018-today microdata]

Prices from PROFECO

[see PROFECO's website for 2015-today microdata]

Gas and disesl price data by station

[see CRE's website]

Catalogue of geocoded stations with identifiers to merge to the CRE's price data

[see CRE's website]