
Published or Forthcoming Papers

[12] Is Job Loss Always Bad for Health? Evidence from National Health Screening (with  Jisoo Hwang, Jungmin Lee) accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics

[11] The Selection Effects of Part-time Work: Experimental Evidence from a Large-scale Recruitment Drive (with Hyunseob Kim and John Zhu) [RCT Registry] accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics

[10] Risk Compensation after COVID-19 Vaccination: Evidence from Vaccine Rollout by Exact Birth Date in South Korea (with Jisoo Hwang, Seung-sik Hwang, Jungmin Lee, and Junseok Lee) forthcoming at Health Economics

[9] Selection and Behavioral Responses of Health Insurance Subsidies in the Long Run: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ghana (with Patrick Asuming and Armand Sim) [RCT registry]  Health Economics 33.5 (2024): 992-1032. 

[8] When Student Incentives Don’t Work: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Malawi (with Jim Berry and Hyuk Son) [working paper] [RCT Registry]  Journal of Development Economics 158 (2022) 102893

[7] The Roles of Nutrition Education and Food Vouchers in Improving Child Nutrition: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ethiopia  (with Yaeeun Han and Seollee Park) [working paper] [RCT Registry] Journal of Health Economics 80 (2021) 102545

        • Press coverage: World Bank Blog

[6] The Role of Career and Wage Incentives in Labor Productivity: Evidence from a Two-stage Field Experiment in Malawi (with Seonghoon Kim and Thomas Taek Seung Kim) [working paper] [data] [RCT registry] Review of Economics and Statistics 102:5 (2020) 839-851

[5] Knowing Is Not Half the Battle: Impacts of the National Health Screening Program in Korea (with Wilfredo Lim and Suejin Lee) [full paper] (first and corresponding author),  Journal of Health Economics 65 (2019) 1-14 

       • Press coverage: 중앙 

[4] The Role of Education Interventions in Improving Economic Rationality (with Syngjoo Choi, Booyuel Kim, Cristian Pop-Eleches) Science (2018) 362.6410 83-86, Oct 2018 [full paper][supplements] [RCT registry] (first and corresponding author) 

• Press coverage: Cornell Chronicle, EurekAlert, Science Daily, Korean: 연합뉴스, 매일경제 , KDI

[3] When Public Health Intervention Is Not Successful: Cost-sharing, Crowd-out, and Selection in Korea's National Cancer Screening Program (with Sun-mi Lee), Journal of Health Economics 53 (2017) 100-116 [working paper] (first and corresponding author) 

• Korean Economy Research Award by Korean Economic Association,  Press coverage: 조선일보

[2] Promotion and Persistence of HIV Testing and HIV/AIDS Knowledge: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Ethiopia (with Beliyou Haile and Taewha Lee), Health Economics 26.11 (2017) 1394-1411 [link] [working paper] (first and corresponding author)

[1] Long-Term Care Insurance, Informal Care, and Medical Expenditures (with Wilfredo Lim), Journal of Public Economics 125 (2015): 128–142 [working paper]

Working Papers 

[3] Effects of Nutrition Support on Behaviors and Labor Productivity (with Seollee Park) [RCT Registryfirst draft: Nov 2021, submitted   

[2] Learning Camp, Languages of Instruction, and Education Outcomes: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Malawi  (with Seonghoon Kim) [RCT Registry] first draft: Aug 2021, submitted 

[1] Male Circumcision, Peer Effects, and Risk Compensation (with Cristian Pop-Eleches, Booyuel Kim, and Jaehyun Jung) [RCT Registry] first draft: Oct 2019, submitted

(Selective) Work in Progress 

 Education and Political Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Malawi 

 Long-term Effect of Female Secondary Education Supports on HIV and HSV-2:  Evidence from a Field Experiment in Malawi [RCT Registry]   

The Impacts of Pre- and Post-natal Interventions on Children’s Health and Socio-Economic Outcomes (with Cristian Pop-Eleches and Booyuel Kim) [slide