Highfields Divisional Board

In 8 Jan 1880 a newspaper article stated that “there is a position going round for signatures praying that the Government will incorporate the Highfields Division under the Divisional Boards Act system. The Act was assented to on 11 November 1879. The Highfields Divisional Board was proclaimed under the Divisional Boards Act of 1879 (in Cabarlah). The election was held in March 1880 and the first meeting was held in the telegraph office (this had been built in 1877).

F.T. Gregory was the first chairman from 1880 – 1888, with Duncan Munro serving from 1888-1913. and 1915 to 1917. J. Leane was charman in 1914. A Merritt was the first clerk to 1879-1891. J.C. Black was clerk from 1892-1922 (but not 1915 to 1917). The shire clerk used to make his inspections, mostly on horseback, some 50 miles towards Cooyar. The first Divisional meetings, at the telegraph office, was next to the Wilkes Hotel (Farmer’s Arms) from which they rented for one pound a year. The Cabarlah Court House was chosen for the municipal office after the Police station closed in 1901.

The Police Court was on R582 (cnr of Highway and Evans Rd West), and F 679 was the Highfields Board reserve (information on the 1941 map and listed in the Govt Gazette as 1903.1.1583). The original Farmer’s Arms, was on portion 317 Sub 2, either 1 or 2 (in accordance with the 1884 map). Sub 1 was a shop at least from 1875 and, as it was on 13 acres, Wilkes must have owned more than two Portions, but not 318 (as that is Bearkley’s as was 329 and 330 which totaled just over 18 acres), so Wilkes may have owned 317, 331 and 332.  In further correspondence with the Highfields Divisional Board, it was agreed to let the room for £1 per year provided the Board "ceiled and painted it". (TC & DD G 25 July 1889). In 1889 there is a statement saying that Wilkes is renting a room to the Divisional Board.

In 1899 there is a statement to say the Highfields Divisional Board was on the Farmers Arms property (13 acres) from which they derived rent, but at some stage they bought 2 acres. The office burned down in January 1902 (along with the Farmer’s Arms Hotel). The 2 acres of land owned by the Divisional Board was was offered for sale 23 July 1902 (part of the “Great Government Land sale” - this may have been Por 679). In 14 May 1903 2 acres of reserve was “proclaimed” for shire Council Cabarlah (Brisbane Courier). In 1903 Divisional Boards were replaced by Shire Councils. The Cabarlah Courthouse (on R 582) became the Highfields Divisional Board and later the Highfields Shire Office. 

On 25 January 1913 the Shire of Crow’s Nest was formed, comprising of an area excised from the existing Highfields Shire.

On 19 March 1949 Highfields Shire Council and Gatton Shire Council were both abolished, with part of the area included within Crow’s Nest Shire. The last chair for Highfields was S. Purtill (1948-49)

The photo to the right must have been a later date as there is an electricity pole in the foreground. Electricity was not extended to Cabarlah until**

The building was moved to Fairholme College[1] in 1951 and became the Home Science Room and was the Chapel until 2008[2]. In 2017 it was the Drama classroom.

Photograph from: Crow's Nest Tourist Association (1988), From Tall Timbers: A Folk History of Crow's Nest Shire ~ 1988 (Crow's Nest Tourist Association, Toowoomba)

These photos are from Fairholme Archives (2017)[3].

[1] http://pandora.nla.gov.au/pan/80201/20080109-0215/www.cnnet.com.au/index1a11.html

[2] http://www.fairholme.qld.edu.au/discover/about-fairholme/our-history.html

[3] from Jenny Noble, Archivist FOGA Alumni officer: