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Publications (updated September 24, 2024)

< 2024 >

[24] Akira Kurasawa, Yuji Onishi, Keisuke Koba, Keitaro Fukushima, Hiromi Uno* (in press) Sequential migrations of diverse fish community provide seasonally prolonged and stable nutrient inputs to a river. Science Advances (*corresponding author)

[23] Annie Ockelford, Ellen Wohl, Virginia Ruiz-Villanueva, Francesco Comiti, Hervé Piégay, Stephen Darby, Dan Parsons, Steven E. Yochum, Josh Wolstenholme, Daniel White, Hiromi Uno, Shayla Triantafillou, Travis Stroth, Tom Smrdel, Daniel N. Scott, Julianne E. Scamardo, James Rees, Sara Rathburn, Ryan R. Morrison, David Milan, Anna Marshall, Katherine B. Lininger, John T. Kemper, Marissa Karpack, Taylor Johaneman, Emily Iskin, Javier Gibaja del Hoyo, Borbála Hortobágyi, Sarah Hinshaw, Jared Heath, Tracy Emmanuel, Sarah Dunn, Nicholas Christensen, Johannes Beeby, Julie Ash, Ethan Ader, Janbert Aarnink (2024) Working with wood in rivers in the Western United States. River Research and Applications 

[22] Ellen Wohl, Sara Rathburn, Sarah Dann, Emily Iskin, Aaron Katz, Anna Marshall, Mickey Means-Brous, Julianne Scamardo, Shayla Triantafillou, Hiromi Uno (2024) Geomorphic Context in Process-Based River Restoration. River Research and Applications 

< 2023 >

[21] Hiroto Endo, Hiromi Uno, Osamu Kishida, Kentaro Morita  (2023) 北海道北部のブトカマベツ川におけるイトウ Parahucho perryi の生息環境特性; Habitat characteristics of the Sakhalin taimen Parahucho perryi in the Butokamabetsu River, northern Hokkaido, Japan 保全生態学研究(Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology

[20] Akira Kurasawa, Yuji Onishi, Keisuke Koba, Keitaro Fukushima, Hiromi Uno* (2023) From nutrient, periphyton, and FPOM to consumers: Multipath ecological consequences of an iteroparous fish migration from Lake Biwa to a river of moderate size Freshwater Biology (*corresponding author)

[19] Ellen Wohl, Hiromi Uno, Sarah B. Dunn, John T. Kemper, Anna Marshall, Mickey Means-Brous, Julianne E. Scamardo, Shayla P. Triantafillou (2023) Why wood should move in rivers. River Research and Applications

[18] Junjiro Negishi, MK Alam, MATMT Rahman, R Kawanishi, Hiromi Uno, G Yoshinari, K Tojo (2023) Three years in the dark: life-history traits of amphibiotic stonefly, Alloperla Ishikariana (Plecoptera, Chloloperlidae). Hydrobiologia

< 2022 >

[17] L Subehi, Hiromi Uno, , Imroatushshoolikhah1, Imroatushshoolikhah, Sulastri, Yustiawati, R L Toruan1, GS Ajie, T Jasalesmana, A Dianto, A Y Afandi, F Sulawesty, A Julzarika, YRamadhan, Triwati, S Nakano (2022) Ecological Heterogeneity of Oxbow and Floodplain Lakes Along the Kapuas Riverine System, IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 1062: 012019

[16] Hiromi Uno, Keitaro Fukushima, Mariko Kawamura, Akira Kurasawa, Takuya Sato (2022) Direct and indirect effects of amphidromous shrimps on nutrient mineralization in streams in Japan, Oecologia 198: 493-505. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-022-05119-6 [link to EurekAlert, 日本語解説]

[15] Hiromi Uno, Mizushi Yokoi, Keitaro Fukushima, Yoichiro Kanno, Osamu Kishida, Wataru Mamiya, Rei Sakai, Shunsuke Utsumi (2022) Spatially variable hydrological and biological processes shape diverse post-flood aquatic communities, Freshwater Biology  7: 549–563. DOI:10.1111/fwb.13862 [link to EurekAlert, 日本語解説]

[14] Yoichiro Kanno, Audrey C. Harris, Osamu Kishida, Shunsuke Utsumi, and Hiromi Uno (2022) Complex effects of body length and condition on within-tributary movement and emigration in stream salmonids. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31: 317–329. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12632

< 2021 >

[13] Kevin A. Fitzgerald, Matt R. Haworth, Kevin R. Bestgen, Collin J. Farrell, Shunsuke Utsumi, Osamu Kishida, Hiromi Uno, and Yoichiro Kanno (2021) Hatching timing of two subarctic salmonids in a stream network estimated by otolith increments spatial scales. Fisheries Management and Ecology 28: 507–515. DOI: 10.1111/fme.12504

< 2020 >

[12] Naoto F. Ishikawa, Jacques C. Finlay, Hiromi Uno, Nanako O. Ogawa, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Ichiro Tayasu, Mary E. Power (2020) Combined use of radiocarbon and stable carbon isotopes for the source mixing model in a stream food web, Limnology and Oceanography 65: 2688–2696. DOI: 10.1002/lno.11541

[11] Hiromi Uno, Shelley Pneh (2020) Effect of source habitat spatial heterogeneity and species diversity on the temporal stability of aquatic-to-terrestrial subsidy by emerging aquatic insects, Ecological Research 35: 474-481. DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12125

[10] Ryosuke Tanaka, Kentaro Hirashima, Taiga Kunishima, Hiromi Uno, Takuya Sato (2020) Phenological diversity of freshwater migration can prolong community-level migration period in amphidromous fishes in a temperate river system in Japan, Ecological Research 35: 494-503. DOI:10.1111/1440-1703.12132

[9] Hiromi Uno, Jonathon Stillman (2020) Lifetime eurythermy by seasonally matched thermal performance of developmental stages in an annual aquatic insect, Oecologia,192:647-656. DOI:10.1007/s00442-020-04605-z

[8] Yoichiro Kanno, Naoki Yui, Wataru Mamiya, Rei Sakai, Yuri Yabuhara, Tohru Miyazaki, Shunsuke Utsumi, Osamu Kishida, Hiromi Uno (2020) A multi-state mark-recapture approach to characterize stream fish movement at multiple spatial scales, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77: 1090–1100. DOI:

[7] James Peniston, Pilar Gomez, Pooja Panwar, Hiromi Uno, Alonso Ramirez (2020) Target species affects the duration of competitive interactions in the Neotropical dragonfly, Micrathyria atra (Odonata: Libellulidae), Notulae odonatologicae, 9 (5), 173-228.

< 2019 >

[6] Hiromi Uno (2019) Migratory life cycle of Ephemerella maculata (Traver 1934) (Ephemerellidae). Aquatic Insects, 40, 123-136.

< 2018 >

[5] Allison Young, Pilar Gómez-Ruiz, Janelle Peña, Hiromi Uno, Rodolfo Jaffe (2018) Wind speed affects pollination success in blackberries. Sociobiology, 65 (2): 225-231.

< 2017 >

[4] Clarice Esch, Janelle Peña Jimenez, Carol Peretz, Hiromi Uno, Sean O’Donnell (2017) Thermal tolerances differ between diurnal and nocturnal foragers in the ant Ectatomma ruidum. Insectes Sociaux, 64, 439-444.

< 2016 >

[3] Hiromi Uno (2016) Stream thermal heterogeneity prolongs an aquatic-to-terrestrial subsidy and enhances riparian spider growth, Ecology, 97, 2547 – 2553.

< 2015 >

[2] Hiromi Uno, Mary E. Power (2015) Mainstem-tributary linkages by mayfly migration help sustain salmonids in warming river networks, Ecology Letters, 18, 1012-1020. 

[1] George Poinar Jr., Larissa Walder, Hiromi Uno (2015) Anomalomermis ephemerophagis n.g., n.sp. (Nematoda: Mermithidae) parasitic in the mayfly Ephemerella maculata Traver (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae) in California, USA, Syst Parasitol, 90, 231-236.

Non-peer reviewed articles

[$] 根岸淳二郎・川西亮太・ 宇野裕美 ・東城幸司 (2020)『河川と水辺環境保全のための地下生物指標による生態系健全度評価』昆虫と自然 55(12)2020

[$] 佐藤拓哉・宇野裕美 (2021)『流域生態系における生物の移動とその生態系機能の評価手法開発』River Front Vol. 92, 24-25.

Book chapters

[2] Colden Baxter, Amanda Subalusky, Hiromi Uno “Chapter 9. Reciprocal stream-land interactions”, Foundations of Stream Ecology, edited by Wyatt F. Cross, J. P. Benstead, A. M. Marcarelli, and R. A. Sponseller, University of Chicago Press (In press)  

[1] 宇野裕美(2022)『川と海の生態系のつながり』海産無脊椎動物多様性学の最前線―100 年の歴史とフロンティア. 京都大学瀬戸臨海実験所創立100周年記念出版物委員会