Research interests | 研究テーマ

I study the relationship between the built environment and human behavior. My current research focuses on preventing crime and promoting physical activity through planning and design, contributing to the well-being of all.

Physical Activity Promotion | 身体活動を促すまちづくり

My research focuses on promoting physical activity through walkable planning and design that encourages walking. I analyze the relationship between citizens’ step count and their built environment. Recently, I started a project that explores children’s active school travel, which combines safety and physical activity. This project involves professors from public health, civil engineering, ethics, and education.

Keywords: Walkability, Active School Travel (AST), Children's independent mobility (CIM)

Crime Prevention | 防犯まちづくり

My research focuses on creating safe environments at the residential, neighborhood, and community levels by analyzing the factors contributing to crime and fear of crime. I currently serve as an adviser for the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Fukuoka Prefectural Police, and Adachi City, Tokyo.

Keywords: Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED), Crime prevention volunteer

Aging in Place | 団地再生と安心居住

My research focuses on revitalizing aging housing complexes where current residents can continue to live and where households with children want to live. The main fields of my research are the Takashima-Daira Danchi, one of the largest complexes in Tokyo, and the Koma-Musashidai in the far suburbs of Tokyo.

Keywords: Living environment, Vacant houses, Food desert, Third place, Social participation