

  1. Professor Jem Bendell (1).
  2. Jem Bendell in (4): We are set for disruptive and uncontrollable levels of climate change, bringing starvation, destruction, migration, disease and war.
  3. Inevitable near-term social collapse due to climate change (1).
  4. Guy McPherson (4): contends climate change will cause civilization to collapse not long after the summer Arctic ice cover disappears. He argues that could happen as early as next year, sending global temperatures abruptly higher and causing widespread food and fuel shortages within a year.
  5. Jem Bendell (4): deep adaptation is different: It looks for ways to mitigate the damage of that collapse. “The discussion I’m inviting is about collective responses to reduce harm,” he says, “rather than how a few people could tough it out to survive longer than others.”
  6. Jem Bendell (9): 1. Collapse is coming (food, finance). 2. Denial exists (we can do it, believe in high tech). 3. We have to let go.


  1. Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy (Fundamental paper) MP3 Audio
  2. Deep Adaptation Agenda – Scientists Warning
  3. Jem Bendell: Audio-visual resources
  4. Bloomberg. 26. septembra 2018: New Climate Debate: How to Adapt to the End of the World
  5. Shed a Light’ (video 1:11:55) Rupert Read examines and clarifies the deep adaptation agenda and its consideration of probable collapse of civilization. Shed A Light: Rupert Read – This civilisation is finished: so what is to be done? Note. It is possible to set English subtitles in the video.
  6. Video 39:53 Scientists' Warning at Foresight Group, EU Commission. (Subtitles EN, F, NL, H).
  7. Video 7:02 David Wallace-Wells Earth at 2° hotter will be horrific. Now here’s what 4° will look like.
  8. You tube "Deep adaptation agenda" (more videos).
  9. Jem Bendell - Deep Adaptation Video 44:08 (subtitles EN, F, H) Deep Adaptation - Jem Bendell & Toni Spencer
  10. deepadaptation.info


  1. Jem Bendell advice (4): a mix of physical changes—pulling back from the coast, closing climate-exposed industrial facilities, planning for food rationing, letting landscapes return to their natural state—with cultural shifts, including “giving up expectations for certain types of consumption” and learning to rely more on the people around us.
  2. (4): Governments need to consider large-scale, decades-long infrastructure projects, such as transporting water to increasingly arid regions and moving cities away from the ocean.
  3. Diana Liverman (4): adapting will mean “relocation or completely different infrastructure and crops.”
  4. Stanley Robinson (4): imagines the city surviving under 50 feet of water.