Schoodic Mountain

Schoodic Mountain is located within the Donnell Pond Public Reserve Land near the town of Franklin in Hancock County, Maine. The summit is bald and quite flat, with a communications tower...a minor inconvenience that does not hinder wonderful views of Frenchman's Bay, Mt. Desert Island and inland lakes and forest.

How to get there from Orono, ME

Approximately 1 hour 15 minutes drive.

Hiking conditions:

A trail begins from the parking area and goes in toward Schoodic Beach for about a half mile of relatively flat walking. Then there is a left turn for the trail to ascend the mountain for about one mile. The ascent is fairly steep in places, with rocky footing. The trail is marked by blue blazes on the wooded trail and blazes and cairns as you reach the ledges of the upper elevations. Wild blueberry bushes abound, and may offer a nice treat during a mid-summer hike. The descent can be along the same trail, or there is a side trail that loops south/southeast and returns to the parking area.

Nearby attractions:

Schoodic Beach on Donnell Pond is a wonderful summer swimming spot and a refreshing way to end the hike.

Unless otherwise noted, all documents in the hierarchy are Copyright © 2011 Tiffany Wilson and Andrei Kurbatov.