Dove Holes Methodist Church

Buxton Road, Dove Holes, Buxton, Derbyshire, SK17 8DW

Built in 1876 this two tier church stands on the main A6. Having car parking facilities, a hire room downstairs and church above.

We work with St Pauls from time to time, holding table top sales, coffee mornings for Christian Aid and an annual pancake party and harvest supper.

Dove Chicks (Parents & Tots) is run by our church members - mums, dads, grandma's come with children and a growing group. Every Thursday during school term time, we are expecting to expand by looking into the possibility of a Messy Church.

These premises make a great place for a child's birthday party!

To hire the hall please contact Mr Ken Gibson on 01298 813 667 or email

Mondays: Chapel Male Voice Choir meet weekly. 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Tuesdays: Post Office 9am - 1pm.

Dove Diva's Ladies Group on 2nd Tuesday of the Month 7.30pm - 9.30pm

Thursdays: Dove Chicks - Term Time Only, 9am - 11.30am

Fridays: Post Office 9am - 1pm.

Sundays: Morning Service is at 10.45am