Disley Methodist Church

70 Buxton Road, Disley, SK12 2EY

Located on the A6, the original church was built in 1906 but concerns over spiralling maintenance meant it wasn't financially viable to uphold.

Our newest church, is built on the grounds where the old church used to stand. Incorporates, a community hall and church with a good sized car park. Used for a variety of purposes by locals from the village.

To make a booking please contact 01663 764 105

or email: bookingsdmc@outlook.com

Mondays: 11am Dynamic Kettlebells, 12noon - Pilates: Ring Martin on 07771 681 894 website and Facebook links below for GTIFitness.

Tuesdays eve: 6pm Aerobics, 7pm Pilates, 8.15pm Clubbercise. Ring Martin on 07771 681 894

Wednesdays morn: 9.30am Zumba and 10.30am Pilates Ring Martin on 07771 681 894

Wednesdays eve: 7pm - 8pm Silver Swans: Ballet classes for the over 55's with Alana Clark. Tel 07543 772 509

Thursdays morn: 10am - 11am Silver Swans: Ballet classes for the over 55's. Please see contact information below.

Thursdays aft: 1pm - 3pm Watercolour Painting with Martin Goddard. https://www.goddardart.co.uk/

Thursdays eve : 6.30pm Freestyle Fitness Yoga, 7.30pm Pilates. Ring Martin on 07771 681 894 for more details.

Fridays morn: Coffee Morning 10am - 12noon.

Fridays morn: 9.30am Fatburn, 10.15am Zumba for further information please ring 07771 681 894

Sundays: Morning Worship at 11am

GTIFitness - Tel: 07771 681 894 or visit the website at http://www.gtifitness.co.uk/ or Facebook.com/gtifitness

Silver Swans: Alana Clark (BA (Hons), LRAD, RAD RTS) - Tel: 07543 772 509 or visit the website at https://alanafreyaclark.wixsite.com/silverswanshpc or SilverswansHPC on Facebook.