2018 - 2019 paragliding nyos-rs-flights

12.31.19 Gold Hill, could not launch due to too deep snow to run from weather station. Lost helmet camera and had a good workout walking back up. Then launched forward from lower, after Mickey, pretty tough to run. No real lift so pretty much a sled ride. 57th Nyos Rs, 354 since 2015, 682 total.

12.26.19 Gold Hill wind shifted so did not launch

12.21.19 Gold Hill 1:30 launch, messy set up, had to unclip to sort out, then good launch. Flew for 1 hour +. riser carabiner was not closed, only seeing this towards end of fly. Will replace. 56th Nyos RS flight, 353 since 2015, 681 total.

12.19.19 Gold Hill 1st ski season launch about 11:45 am which was too early for good lift but great west wind launch and great landing. 55th Nyos RS flight, 352 since 2015, 680 total.

11.24.19 Milk Run, great launch in snow, careful prep. cold, nice, not much of a flare in landing 0 wind. 54th Nyos Rs flight, 351 since 2015, 679 total

10.08.19 Gold Hill. Attached is a gif of my launch, even though I did not smear across the slope or do something horrible.The beta: Methinks a south wind influence 10+ feet above launch,The launch was relaxed, seemed into the wind. From memory and video I reverse turned early but seemed good From memory I felt the wing asymmetric and I decided to run like hell. Funny I thought deflate was pilots right but gif shows left From gif it looks I let the wing go forward, de-tensioning the A lines. All good after launch. 53rd nyos rs, 350 since 2015 678 total.

10.06.19 Milk Run today, nice aspens, not so great landing typical of late. two GH flight, nice 1.5 hours. 52rd nyos rs, 349 since 2015, 678 total.

9.24.19 milk run pm higher wind launch. First 3 of 4 launches other pilots with pblms, my launch after wait smooth. Nice 1.5 hour+ palmyra working to 13800. 50th nyos rs, 346 since 2015, 674 total flights.

9.22.19 2 milk run and 3? gh 9.13, 9.22 and ? Today 9.22 night 1.56 hour flight, could not get above 13k. 2 flight mr n gh with 14 ttl pilots. Great launches, short landing not so good. fly gh today was bumpy, saw several other wing tip assym. felt good. 49th nyos rs, 345 since 2015 673 total flights.

August 24, 2019, Gold Hill AM west, strong, good launch but avoided lift and landed 10mph west on Oops Field. Gold Hill PM, great launch, flew 1.5 hours, stayed up but struggled to get to 13,200 ft. 46th Nyos RS flight 342 since 2015, 670 total flights.

August 18, 2019, Gold Hill pm west, 3x to launch, not lots of lift so struggled and eventually got to 13,400 by Palmyra, about 1.5 hours. 44th Nyos RS flight, 340 since 2015, 668 total.

August 12, 2019 Gold Hill pm west. Waited with 5 for winds to reduce. Great launch, good fly around Palmyra and baldy, bear creek. Not as up as wanted. 43rd Nyos RS flight, 339 since 2015, 667 total.

August 4, 2019, Milk Run and Gold Hill east launch. GH had good valley wind so easy forward launch. Overdeveloped so lots of up and use of big ears and speedbar. 42nd Nyos RS flight, 338 fights since 2015, 665 total flights.

August 3, 2019, Gold Hill east launch, sled + some turns and speedbar to get out of cloud lift. Nice launch and landing, 40th Nyos RS flight, 336 flights since 2015, 663 total flights.

July 30, 2019, morning milk run

July 28,2019, morning milk run, nice set up n launch, sniffing thermals. 38th Nyos RS, 333 flights since 2015, 661 total flights.

July 19, 2019, evening GH with 5 pilots. A launch wait around. First try cross wind, then easy w launch. 1.5 hours fly by palmyra n over bear creek. 13.500 max. punchy thermals, felt good. 37th nyos, 332, 660 total fly.


July 18, 2019, a MR fly, nice set up n launch, some ignored thermals, for a Tel Tourism B meeting. Good Landing, 36th Nyos fly, 331, since 2015, 659 total,

July 7, 2019 two MR flights, July 5 GH evening west with 6 pilots, 1 hour fly, July 4, 2019, 3 MR flights, last thermal up. 35th Nyos RS flight, 330 since 2015, 658 total. Az pilot shown flying Nyos RS

April 7, 2019, gold hill 11:30am launch after a wait. Top had north wind, lower by the flag west. Good launch, fun last day ski season fly, spirals to get down, 29th Nyos Rs flight, 324 since 2015, 652 total flights.

April 1, 2019, great gold hill launch 1pm, only thermals found were below lift 9, nice fly for an hour. 28th Nyos Rs flight, 323 since 2015, 651 total flights

March ? 2019, gold hill, hour +, good lauch west, 27th Nyos Rs flight 322, since 2015, 650 total flights.

Feb 24, 2019 gold hill hour+ good launch, west, 1pm, cold and good up, spirals down, above lift 5 and front of sofia station. 26th Nyos RS flight, 321 since 2015, 649 total flights

Feb 1, 2019 - forward gold hill launch after long time zero wind wait. JC flew above gold hill chutes, me over alpino vino and below lift 9 for an hour. Nice landing on pearl xc track. 25th Nyos RS flight, 320 since 2015, 648 total flights

1/15/2019, 1/19/2019 - two forward launch mid day gold hill sled rides. All good. 23,24 Nyos rs flights, 319 since 2015, 647 total flights.

10/20/2018 - gold hill flight, strong, bumpy, a non-event collapse. 22nd nyos rs flights, 317 since 2015, 645 total flights

9/20/20018, gold hill pm flight, last off of 5 pilots dues to south wind. Nice 1.5 hour local flight. 21st nyos rs flight, 316 since 2015, 645 total flights.

9/16/2018, gold hill am drive with Tyco. Pm with 10 paragliders. Launched first west. Long time over lift 9 till able to climb to 15k. Flew over ballard. 2 hours. nice fly, bumpy. 20th nyos rs fight, 315 since 2014, 644 total.

9/7/2018, gold hill am. 1 hour flight, launched west. Strong and building up so did cut flight short. Very enjoyable spirals above launch. Big ears / speedbar to cut through lift and turbulence above the valley floor. 19th Nyos RS flight, 314 since 2014, 643 total.

8/?/18, gold hill, 1.5 hour flight, 18th nyos flight, 313 since 2014, 642 total flights. Another day August tried GH east am, 1x launch ended up 20f below, 50 feet to the side.

8/7/2018, gold hill, 2+ hour evening flight with MR. Very bouyant, up to 14k with lots of spirals and big ears/speedbar, around alta lakes, silver peak. 17th nyos flight, 312 since 2014, 641 total flights.

7/29/2018, gold hill 1.5 hour flight, over mv center, 311 flights since 2014, 640 total, 16th nyos rs flights

7/26/2018, milk run, great launch 7:30am, 310 flights since 2014, 639 total, 15th Nyos Rs flights

7/22/2018 two milk run flights, 7:30am, 8 am, enjoyable, 309 flights since 2014, 638 total, 14th Nyos Rs flights

7/1/2018 gold hill 7:30 pm launch. Great launch, up to 14k by palmyra. JC,DO, MR, 3 hanggliders. 307 flights since 2014, 636 total, 12th Nyos RS flights. https://www.facebook.com/keith.brown.9421/videos/10215138972740561/

6/27/2018, gold hill 7:30 pm launch. not great inflation, cross wind, ran it out. Good fly with DO, MR till dark

6/23/2018, Milkrun 8am all good. 305 flights since 2014, 634 total, 10th Nyos Rs flight.

6/21/2018, Milkrun launch, all enjoyable. Went to Gold Hill today and yesterday pm, but wind too gusty at 5-16 mph so no fly. 304 flights since 2013, 632 flights total, 9th Nyos RS flight.

6/11/2018, Milkrun, good launch and land 7am, then gold hill 7pm launch, 1.5 hours fly to 13,500 ft. Landed at sunset. JC, DO, MR, KB. 303 flights since 2013, 631 flights total. 8th Nyos RS flight.

6/9/2018: Milkrun, nice launch, fly, land, filmed 2 tandems from above. 301 flights since 2013, 629 flights total, 6th Nyos flight.

6/2/2018: Milk run during balloon festival, then 1st season drive and fly Gold Hill east with MR, DO, GBB-drove. Small cravat on milk run launch, due as I rushed prep as I was in front of 3 launches, no direction change, cravat came out with 1 tug stablio. Slight fold right side right after GH launch, popped out without seeing, no direction change. GH 4-8 mph E launch, then felt strong thermals / sink and we 3 all more or less flew down to pearl landing, about 45 minutes the combined 2 flights. 300 flights since 2013, 629 total flights, 4th & 5th Nyos RS flights.

3/30/2018: 80 minute flight, Strong lift, high altitude wind. 13.5k height. Nice launch, spirals, flew an extended time on big ears with speedbar, good landing through north wind turbulence. 298 flights since 2013, 627 total flights, 3rd Nyos RS flight

3/12/2018 - 1 hour flight, to 13,000 ft. Easy west launch into sink, then climbed up. Fairly bumpy, especially coming into land due to north wind. Nyos RS felt very solid, stable. Flew with Jeff C. 297 flights since 2013, 626 total flights, 2nd Nyos RS flight. quote: White Owl Paragliding · March 21,2018 · Awesome Feedback on the Nyos RS, from Keith in CO. "Flew and kept up with a Sigma 9. Last flight was a valley landing with north wind, which creates turbulence. The Nyos was rock solid and very comfortable while the Sigma pilot looked and reported unstable flying."Now if my size would just get certified, I wanna fly one too....Demo coming soon, its been difficult to keep up with demand, so I have yet to keep one in stock. (kimberly)

3/7/2018 - 40 minute flight to 12,500 ft. Variable wind, all directions, launched easy West 5 mph. Little lift until chair 9 and over valley floor. First flight swing Nyos, after 30 minutes kiting on 3/6. Very nice, need to fly more for opinion, 296 flights since 2013, 625 total, 1st Nyos RS flight, after 39 M4 light flights.

3/2/2018 received new Swing Nyos RS Medium-Lime - serial number 58-267-009-13 - warranty attached