3.1 Problem

We have already written down most of the Design Brief.

Read it and do task 1, 2, 3 and 4 to finish the Design Brief.

Design Brief

Part 1 The problem

We are going to design a new fabric for the space suits of the ISS.

Part 2: The list of design requirements

1. the fabric has to be space junk proof.

2. the fabric has to be light weight.

3. the fabric has a low price

4. ...........your design requirement............

5. ...........your design requirement............

6. ............your design requirement..........



Part 3: Testing the solution

We are going to test our fabric with the following method:

- We are going to drop a sharp piercer from 1.5 m on our fabric.

- We are going to weigh our fabric.

- We are going to calculate the price of our fabric.

Our fabric is good if the piercer does not go through the fabric.

Our fabric is the best if the weight and price are low.

Task 1-- Start a lab journal

- Go to the ISS Folder on your OneDrive and make a new Word document.

- Copy the text of the Design Brief into theWord document.

- Give the Word document a new name: class_name1_name2_ISSLabjournal.

- Share the Word with your groupmembers and your science teacher.

To find out what a lab journal is, you may watch this Youtube movie.

Your teacher will show examples of lab journals in class.

Task 2 -- Discover why space is a dangerous place

ISS is a laboratory in space. It orbits around the earth in 92 minutes.

There are only 6 astronauts allowed at the same time. One of the reasons is the minimal amount of air on board of the space station.

Astronauts do all kinds of experiments on board of the ISS. So they are also scientists

It can be dangerous on board of the ISS. There are a lot of dangers outside our atmosphere.

Assignment: Use the cartoon below to write down as many dangers in space you can come up with. Write your answers down in your lab journal.

Task 3 -- Heat transport

One of problems in space is how to manage heat. Sometimes its to warm and sometimes it is too cold.

In the ISS and the spacesuit heat has to be transported.

Assignment a:

To find out about the different ways of heat transport, we are going to watch a Dutch explanation about them.

Terwijl je naar het filmpje kijkt vul de juiste woorden in:

Warmte is ______1_____

Temperatuur is een ________2_______

Warmte is een vorm van energie waarmee je de ________3________ kan veranderen.

Geleiding = “__________4_________” van warmte-energie

Dit gebeurt in ______5______ stoffen

______6_________ = “meenemen” van warmte-energie

Dit gebeurt in vloeistoffen en _______7_____

Straling = “______8________” van warmte-energie

Hiervoor is geen ______9________ nodig

De zon straalt haar warmte naar de aarde zonder tussenstof

The English words of the different ways to transport heat are:

Geleiding = Conduction

Stroming = Convection

Straling = Radiation

This is a good picture of the different ways of heat transport.

But how will this work in space?

The ISS is warmed up by the Sun. As a result the temperature on the outside of the ISS climbs to above 100 °C. In the shadow it is nearly -100 °C. To keep the temperature inside the ISS around 20 °C good insulation is needed.

Assignment b:

1. Why is it important that the temperature is around 20 °C? Give two reasons.

2. But what if the ISS is not insulated.....? Look at the picture below and explain why Andre Kuipers is getting hot. Copy this picture in your lab journal and draw arrows with labels conduction, convection and radiation.

Assignment c:

What can you do to make sure that the inside of the ISS does not get too hot? Use the words convection, radiation, and conduction.

Which materials does NASA use to insulate the ISS? Check this website for more information: “Staying cool on the ISS” https://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2001/ast21mar_1

Task 4 -- Complete the design brief

In task 2 you discovered what the dangers of space are for astronauts. The space suit has to protect the astronauts from those dangers.

What are design requirements 4, 5 and 6 of the space suit fabric?

Write them down in the Design Brief. If you come up with more criteria you can also add them to the list.