7. planning

2019 - 2020

wk #

43 / 7

44 / 8 test wk

45 / 9 test wk

46 / 10 start P2

47 / 11 short lessons

48 / 12

49 / 13

50 / 14

51 HICweek

52 Holiday

1 Holiday

2 / 15


finish the last things of the skills lab

introductie ISS, Do the ISS poster task (in pairs)

Discuss the Posters, make labjournal (task 1), Do Task 2 and 3

Discuss task 2 and 3, Do Task 4, Fill your labjournal, FE (assesment for learning) heat transport

FE heat transport, Task 5 (in pairs), Fill your labjournal

Discuss heat transport and design requirements, Task 5 experiments, Fill your labjournal

SO heat transport/design requirements, Task 5, Fill your labjournal

Do task 6, 7 and 8, Test your material (task 9), Fill your labjournal




Task 10 improvements