Twin Towers

Post date: Dec 28, 2013 5:09:15 AM

DNA war symbol - Twin Towers

After September 11, 2001 ..... the TWIN towers are twisted metal ... providing data for super-symmetry / parallel theory of bio-physics.

Z-site RD paper 2756 by Herb Zinser

Manhattan is well known in literature. It is also the home of many authors, writers, news reporters, editors, and publishing houses.

in addition we have Madison Avenue advertising and marketing .....and their extensive use of symbols, graphic arts, double meanings, etc.


Aug 29, 2011 – The amount of thought and work that goes behind the seemingly simplest of logos would boggle the mind of any advertising outsider.

These indexical components of advertisements have connotations, which typically connect the advertisement to a larger cultural context. Symbols need little ..

Symbols convey notions, concepts, and ideas ... Symbolism includes line, forms, and colors ... Marketers choose color schemes that convey product attributes ...

by D Kadirov - 2011 - Cited by 3 - Related articles The article explores the different aspects of the symbolism of marketing systems. The authors argue that marketing systems maintain distinctive symbolic ...

by D Kadirov - 2011 - Cited by 3 - Related articles The article explores the different aspects of the symbolism of marketing systems. The authors argue that marketing systems maintain distinctive symbolic ...

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It is located in the nuclei of cells, which make up the body. Consequently, DNA can be considered as

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of --> one Manhattan city blocks of buildings

The Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC), established in ..... The World Trade Center itself wasn't rented out completely until after 1979. Others ...

One World Trade Center - Collapse of the World Trade - Construction - South Tower

Lower Manhattan Skyline Before 9/11/01

Above, we see the Twin Towers ...that represents various Sartre existential dimensions LINKED with the 11-dimensions of string theorists.

Above, IBM Base 2 and Computer Earth system 370 with geography computer LAND ...and the geography computer address space ofr BASE 16 --> 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Above, high school Euclldean geometry axioms ..... the parallel vertical lines

DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid. It is located in the nuclei of cells, which make up the body. Consequently, DNA can be considered as

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of ...

one of the building blocks of --> one Manhattan city blocks of buildings

We have the living EARTH Cell model of the SOLAR SYSTEM ....... and the EARTH sphere as a bio-geology cell with the EARTH land/soil geography surface like a cell cell --> hence, the WALL Street area in Manhattan .... could be consdiered by NATURE representative/ symbolic of various systems. of Nature.

Within the Two Towers above ...before Sept 11, 2001 ....... there worked bio-physics, bio-chemistry structures with the EARTH LAB name--> humanoid.

University scientists and theorists claimed these entities consisted of an aggregate of Double-Helix molecules in a package known since 1953 experiment the B.F. SKINNER skin box..

Thus , we see the situation before Nature's expression DNA anger. DNA sub-routines programmed the bio-computer humanoids to carry out Nature's DNA signaling mission to subset human INTELLECTUAL institutions.

The Double Helix <----> Double Towers

The double helix makes a complete turn in just over 10 nucleotide pairs, so each turn takes a little more (35.7 Å to be exact) than the 34 Å shown in the diagram.

Nature .......has a new process ....a large scale process control system ...a message system.

Taking the Double-TOWERS shown above the BEFORE IMAGE

and the Double-Towers .....AFTER IMAGE (shown below) ...goal / target of Nature's military DNA systems

Thus we see

AFTER Sept 11.2001 ...the new DNA configaration to the DOUBLE-Towers for their Double-Cross.


Above...DNA English alphabet nuelcotide letters:

: A T T ...... spell DNA military command: A T T A C K

In year 2013, we see the reports about the EVENT ...... are incomplete reports ...... with vast omissions and gaps in the analysis of the situation AND the many possible contributing factors in this DEMO of the SCIENCE WARS.

The New York Time's newspaper and others are familiar with the Alan Sokal and Duke University project on the year 1914 assassination of the periodic atomic table humanoid agent known as: Arch DUKE Ferdinand. He was Margaret Mead atomic nuclear family representative for EARTH iron core government 1914 projects:

Arch Duke Fer = ferrous oxide IRON atom --> Arch= Architecture of the iron atom/ iron core/ and the North Pole magnetic field interaction with Iron HEME group humanoid bio-computer symbolic processing machines ....... with many ERRORS and bull-stories.