DNA Poker

Post date: Dec 28, 2013 4:45:07 AM

DNA Poker

Z-site paper 2460 by Herb Zinser

DNA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule encoding the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many ............

DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides. DNA was first identified and isolated by Friedrich Miescher and the double helix structure of ...

Nucleic acid - Introduction to genetics - Chromosome - DNA replication

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Why are there four types of nucleotides in DNA? Over eons of evolutionary history, nature decided that four nucleotides provides the right balance.


The possible letters are A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand —

A = Adenine,

C = Cytosine,

G = Guanine,

T = Thymine

— covalently linked to a ...


There are four different types of nucleotides found in DNA, differing only in the nitrogenous base. The four nucleotides are given one letter abbreviations as

DNA Nucleotide

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Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA has a double helical structure as shown in the diagram.

Let's look at Nature's biochemistry military tactic in year 2001 .... in Nature's conflict with humanoid DNA social engineering ERRORS.

First, let's review the background of DNA societal expression.

DNA expresses itself INTERNALLY ...as described by WATSON and CRICK in year 1953.

DNA expresses itself EXTERNALLY via human social behavior, thoughts and activity as described by

the D H = Double-Helix messenger known as D-H. Law books....written by published by D.H. Lawrence in the EXTERNAL visible world of information systems books. .

In the United States, the 4 DNA nucleotides announced their DNA social engineering SOCIETAL project plan ..... .with the DNA 4th of July as significant expression signal ...with year 1776 withs its code 7 ....the nitrogen atomic number 7 used by nitrogenous bases.

In 1953 Cavendish Labs provided more details on the INTERNAL WORLD of DNA bio-chemistry structure and mechanics.

In 1953 the EXTERNAL expression of DNA nucleotides T,A,G ...... became associated with the pen.TAG.on and their biological humanoid soldiers comprised of the 4 DNA nucleotides. Thus 3 out of the 4 nucleotides .......involve the pen.TAG.on.

Hence, the DNA military expression VIA the humanoid institution known as the pen.TAG.on ...who serious mission is play HIDE and SEEK on the geography surface of EARTH ...... to help identify large scale DNA societal and governmental mutations ...on behalf of Nature's social quality control projects,

The situation changed when Washington, DC neglected to pay attention to year 1984. The 1984 book warning signal from George Orwell was about propaganda ...... better known as citizen nonsense and citizen bull-stories. Intellectual integrity and accuracy standards are expected by Nature's brain engineering molecules of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain symbolic processor.

Thus a divergence developed between Nature's mission parameters and the citizen party, pleasure time philosophy approved by Washington, D.C.

Thus the battle of September 11, 2001. ...as Nature ordered the TAG nucleotide MESSAGE attacks against 2 major physical concrete / glass / iron buildings ...the Pentagon building and the World Trade Center.

1) the TALL TWO Towers in Manhattan with identifier features: .

-- Double-Helix ordered attack --> Double-Towers --> The Two Towers

-- TA --> Thymine and Adenine attack --> TA --> TALL buildings of the World (DNA) Traitor Center

-- Adenine = Ade + nine --> 9th month (September) attack

2) the TAG nucleotide betrayal of NATURE by the humanoid pen.TAG.on.

Hence the T,A,G ordered attack upon the pen.TAG.on ....... because of their awareness problems caused by myopic organizations: DARPA, universities, and think tanks.

3) In addition, to emphasize Nature's military systems ... Nature arranged for the DOUBLE-HELIX war plan to attack DOUBLE location targets.

4) The year 2001 MESSAGE was ignored ... hence. Nature sent biochemistry Major .....Major Hasan to the nucleotide military base of FORT HOOD Texas, Thus we have Nature VS the human attitude of intellectual superiority over all matters of existence.

Thus we have Virginia TECH biochemistry major HASAN with molecule military textbooks ...... like the Pentagon with


Located both in Tennessee and Kentucky, Fort Campbell is home to the only Air Assault Division in the world. The base boasts the following main weapons ...

Our Units - Contact Us - New Arrivals - 101st Airborne Division

New Arrivals - 101st Airborne Division

New Arrivals - 101st Airborne vision

New Arrivals - 101st Airborne vision

books.google.com › ScienceLife SciencesBiologyGeneral

Rating: 3.5 - 2 reviews

Campbell and Farrell's BIOCHEMISTRY, Fifth Edition continues to lead the way in currency, clarity, and innovation. This text has been revised to reflect the latest ...

books.google.com › ScienceLife SciencesBiochemistry

Rating: 3.5 - 4 reviews

Discover how the latest developments in biotechnology and genomics directly affect your life with this best-selling biochemistry text. This new edition reflects ...

Thus...we see the DARPA discovery of the conversion of Fort Campbell to a biochemistry military base.

Hence, the extension of that logic ..... is biochemistry major ...MAJOR HASAN and the battle at the FORT (LAB) HOOD Solfier READ Center for Center Nervous System bio-chemistry symbolic awareness development. . The Soldier READ Center is well-known for its extensive math and science textbook library for intellectual soldiers.

TOE = Theory of Everything and GUT = Grand Unified Theory includes the factors in the above data outline.

What is a recent ..year 2013 .... DNA expression using symbols, alphabets, proper nouns, geography locations ..... a DNA language data pool of information ...that allows us to understand Darwinian selection via symbols,etc.

We know the T,A,G nucleotides ..involve the pen.TAG.on ...... ...suggesting the Department of Defense may also be involved in DNA decision theory.

Word: nucleotide ...algbera subset letters --> leo ..... perhaps a code for .... ... Leon

Leon Panetta


Panetta in June 2011

23rd United States Secretary of Defense


Assumed office July 1, 2011


Notice ........ he is also ... the 23rd chromosome pair Secretary of Defense.

Word: nucleotides ...algebra subset word --> tides --> political science signal for location /region .... : Tidal Basin.


The Tidal Basin is a partially human-made reservoir between the Potomac River and the Washington Channel in Washington, D.C. It is part of West Potomac ...

History - Design - Incidents - Gallery


See a map and directions to the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, The Tidal Basin map includes markers with links to the main attractions on the Tidal Basin as ...

Thus we see an interesting puzzle about the relationship between Nature and mankind.

wiki.answers.com › Wiki AnswersCategoriesScienceBiology

Why are there four types of nucleotides in DNA? Over eons of evolutionary history,

nature decided that four nucleotides provides the right balance.

The Tides Basin map includes markers

The Tidal Basin map includes markers

The Tidal Basin map includes mark Kelly

and Gabby Giffords

Why are there four types of nucleotides in DNA? Over eons of evolutionary history,

nature decided that four nucleotides provides the right balance.

Why are there four types of nucleotides in DNA poker games,

gin rummy card games, etc?