Adenine Yemen

Post date: Dec 28, 2013 5:42:48 AM

Adenine city of Aden, Yemen

Z-site paper 2759 by Herb Zinser

Modern DNA biochemistry has yet to consider the living EARTH cell and its 4 DNA nucleotides and their earthly expressions on the EARTH geography / geology ..... land / soil surface .. ..... expressions coupled with the human DNA entities that exist, work, and play upon that geography surface.

1st let's review INTERNAL biology concepts.

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule encoding the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and many ............ DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called nucleotides. DNA was first identified and isolated by Friedrich Miescher and the double helix structure of ...

Nucleic acid - Introduction to genetics - Chromosome - DNA replication › Wiki AnswersCategoriesScienceBiology

Why are there four types of nucleotides in DNA? Over eons of evolutionary history, nature decided that four nucleotides provides the right balance.

The possible letters are A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand — A = Adenine, C = Cytosine, G = Guanine, T = Thymine — covalently linked to a ...

DNA Nucleotide

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Deoxyribonucleic acid DNA has a double helical structure as shown in the diagram.

Thus ...we have INTERNAL structures that may help us understand NATURE's geology/geography DNA map that Nature has outlined using the Earth geography surface. and the living language of symbols, proper nouns, math equations, etc. In addition uses carious message display techniques ....... for example:

Something that is NOT directly visible or obvious MAY indirectly become visible thru another DISPLAY.

For example...the book "Animal Farm" by George Orwell was totally beyond me in school ..... UNTIL, I and some friends discovered CLIFF NOTES ( or similar publication) that explained to my dense brain ......that the style / technique of writing about animals ..... was really about 2-legged humans. The reason for the writing style ....was the author wished to avoid legal problems and other hassals ..... problems that could have occurred .. ... had he directly mentioned human names. Neat trick of some authors ... once you understand the concept and reasons.

the art or practice of using symbols especially by investing things with a symbolic meaning or

by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or ...

Let's look at Nature ...... it created DNA molecules, etc .... in a sense, Nature is like a human writer, a human artist or a human engineer.

Nature's INTERNAL: biology designs and expressions ....described below.

What may be the EXTERNAL living EARTH cell expressions? › Wiki AnswersCategoriesScienceBiology

Why are there four types of nucleotides in DNA? Over eons of evolutionary history, nature decided that four nucleotides provides the right balance.

The possible letters are A, C, G, and T, representing the four nucleotide bases of a DNA strand —

A = Adenine,

C = Cytosine,

G = Guanine,

T = Thymine — covalently linked to a ...

A = Adenine .....internal DNA

A = Aden ... geography land DNA society


Aden ( Arabic: عدن ʻAdan‎) is a seaport city in Yemen, located by the eastern approach to the Red Sea (the Gulf of Aden), some 110 miles (170 kilometres) east of Bab-el-Mandeb. Its population is approximately a million people

Adenine --> DISPLAYED by the city of Aden

Adenine is a nucleobase with a variety of roles in biochemistry including cellular respiration, in the form of both the energy-rich adenosine triphosphate and the cofactors nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide ... Wikipedia

Formula: C5H5N5

IUPAC ID: 9H-purin-6-amine

Molar mass: 135.13 g/mol

Density: 1.60 g/cm³

Melting point: 680°F (360°C)

Aden consists of a number of distinct sub-centres:

Crater, the original port city; Ma'alla, the modern port; Tawahi, known as "Steamer Point" in the colonial period; and the resorts of Gold Mohur. Khormaksar, located on the isthmus that connects Aden proper with the mainland, includes the city's diplomatic missions, the main offices of Aden University, and Aden International Airport (the former British Royal Air Force station RAF Khormaksar), Yemen's second biggest airport. On the mainland are the sub-centres of Sheikh Othman, a former oasis area; Al-Mansura, a town planned by the British; and Madinat ash-Sha'b (formerly Madinat al-Itihad), the site designated as the capital of the South Arabian Federation and now home to a large power/desalinization facility and additional faculties of Aden University.

Aden encloses the eastern side of a vast, natural harbor that comprises the modern port. The volcanic peninsula of Little Aden forms a near-mirror image

peninsula of Little Aden forms a near-mirror image

peninsula of Little Aden forms a near-mirror image

peninsula of Little Aden forms a near-mirror image

peninsula of Little Aden forms a near-mirror image of Adenine base below

Aden (Adenine display agent population group) consists of a number of distinct sub-centres:

Crater, the original port city; Ma'alla, the modern port

Thus .. if we had a National Geographic magazine map if the city of Aden ,,,,,, and a college biochemistry textbook molecule map .....what would be the correlation between the 2 maps. Both maps are expressions of NATURE ...the INTERNAL: biology map and the adenine molecule thoughts and its social engineering VECTOR map .... as described by the city of Aden, Yemen.

History tells us.....

This harbour, Front Bay, was first used by the ancient Kingdom of Awsan between the 5th and 7th centuries BCE.

In Nature's language........ BCE was the Bio-Chemistry Engineering phase in the 5th and 7th centuries .... with 7 the atomic number of Nitrogen and its social evolution in 7th century society.

Above, we see the parallel processing signal from the ADENINE molecules within the human citizens of Aden. The Adenine molecules sent signals to the human ADEN brain cells ...with instructions to the humanoid ADENINE messenger group build this PARALLELISM signal for scientists interested in GUT = Grand Unified Theory and TOE = Theory of Everything.

Thus we see the United States involved in the world-wide DNA wars .. and the biochemistry lies and cover-ups .....the incomplete explanations printed in North American newspapers and news magazines..

Jun 9, 2009 – ... died and 39 were injured in an attack on the American guided missile destroyer, USS Cole, in Aden harbour, Yemen, on October 12, 2000.

USS Cole, in Aden harbour, Yemen

USS Cole, in Aden harbour, Yemen

USS Cole, in Aden harbour ---> Adenine harbour and Nature's EARTH LAB messages ......for those that study the deeper levels of REALTY and expression ...... and those that the larger Gestalt view of life suggested by Theory of Everything physics.

Thus, bio-physics and bio-geography of the living EARTH cell and the symbolism of human cities like ADEN ---> ADENINE with the U.S. Naval Research LAB.

The 4 DNA nucleotides have 64 codon combinations of 3 symbols.

The unique sequence T, A, G .......... ...1 triplet of the 64 codon combinations gives the DNA military organization ...the pen.TAG.on.

DARPA, universities, and thinks tanks DENY this aspect of existence on PLANET EARTH.

Amazing omissions in newspaper investigative reporting.

Look at the biochemistry MAJOR NH signal below ,.....VIA NIdal Hasan at Fort ( LAB) HOOD..

240 × 268 - guweb2.gonz

Does the University of Texas......have any sense of awareness besides TEXAS social science bull-stories, real estate BEDROOM housing rackets, and the incomplete explanation of the LIVING earth CELL and the BP = BASE PAIR signal of the Deepwater Horizon hydrocarbon molecular orbital messaging EVENT.

Thus we see the neglect of citizens and Washington, DC .... ....their failure to understand existence and the U.S.S Cole .... a DNA science war event.

These are serious matters. Perhaps, some curious people exist that may study this outline ...and use it ... to write an more DETAILED science war report. Ask Alan Sokal and others for the communication protocol. But then ..... they are influenced by the Egyptian MUM mummy display at museums ... the most advanced social psychology ... brain manipulation TRICK in existence.

Welcome to BRAVE NEW WORLD ...the test for brave new thinkers in year 2013..