Marita Elisabeth Henriksson, artist, sculptor

artist, writer

My sculptures are mostly cheramics, sometimes bronze, wood, metal . Paintings are with various techniques, oil, mixed materials, silk, even pictures by felting.

I do also photographicks, fotos and drawings with ink, or with computer or something else.

About my works:

What else does a man but breathes his life with her own lungs, filtrates the smoky ragged air, takes what he needes to live – and blows the rest out as changed, metamorphosed. My works are part of this process.

How much of us proves to be ourselves, how much of it is the about the world, how higly about heaven, how thick the soot on our wings? How deep the hollows in our heart ? Do others perceive this? Perhaps self is a way to perceive, to joy, to feel pain in one´s own way, just as God created us ?

My works aren´t of glass but their heart is. Look: the smile crackling, the glow, the heat, the chillyness, the defiance? The wishes of those who are to be seen, and those who are hiddden, their enchantment, their life and death?

Everyone of us was small, - I can´t say “a child brittle as glass”, - but even much more brittle, more impressionable life, lighter than the breath of a butterfly, yes, unique. Reared and harnessed in to armours the more heavy and heavy we were, and some of these looked like lihgt and cute, the armours of festivity, - but were barbed inside. Many chick names they got, an innumerable number of existences –and for some reason we acceped them.

In order to stay on the peak, we moulded our limbs and minds to fit to the measures of our prisons, to the shape of our time – this seemed to war against my deepest needs, so I did not bother. They say: “You are not from this our time!”

In my work I keep my freedom to stay as a childish downy bird, or what I happen to feel to be, and- what gets to existence has its right to speak and sing just in its own language and rythm, in its own time; I start to listen what they say. I do not make plans in advance when I work with concrete materials, but just let my hands and eyes to act - and then I realise what was in my mind. I can start to do the final touches. This “inductive”, free method I feel more effective and worth wile for me. . .