
Our research focuses on co-evolution in mutualistic and parasitic interactions, and we are particularly interested in the underlying genetic factors that influence the evolutionary processes of adaptation and govern the outcome of species interactions. In our research we try to address questions using a combination of field and experimental work coupled with molecular and bioinformatic techniques.

Some of the central research questions are: What are the molecular mechanisms behind pathogen host specificity and how does it evolve? How do pathogens evolve and adapt following a host shift? How do standing genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity influence pathogen host-shifts? How do microbial pathogens take control of their host to increase transmission?

Locust (Locusta migratoria) killed by the fungus Metarhizium acridum. The green coloured spores are produced on the mycosed insect.

Dead housefly (Musca domestica) killed by the fungus Entomophthora muscae that is growing out from the abdomen to actively discharge infective spores.

The fungi that we study are obligate or facultative pathogens of insects. Some have very narrow host ranges only infecting a single or very few host insects in nature, whereas others are generalists capable of infecting insects from many different orders. Because the host range in many cases can be experimentally manipulated in the lab, these characteristics allow us to study host-pathogen co-evolution and adaptation following host shifts in real-time.

Fungal pathogens are often very detrimental when entering into previously unexposed host populations sometimes resulting in mortality rates close to 100%. Prominent examples include the Elm-tree disease nearly eradicating American and European Elm trees and the Chytrid fungus currently spreading as a serious thread to many amphibian species. Fungal pathogens also threaten human food production by being serious pests of many important agricultural crops.

Theoretical overview of the three stages involved in pathogenic host shifts. A pathogen of the red fly comes into contact with a new host species (black flies). If the pathogen is unable to continue transmission in the new host it will die, here denoted by a black cross. Different ecological and evolutionary factors are involved at the three stages. Figure is inspired Mollentze et al. 2014, Curr. Op. Virol. 8:68-72.