
Our research has occasionally been covered by various national and international media.

See links below for examples:

July 2023

Podcast: Findng Genious Podcast, “Insect-Fungus Interactions: What Makes Them So Intricate? | A Researcher Explains” Link.

June 2023

Podcast: Mit store Spørgsmål, Independent Research Fund Denmark, ”Hvordan overtager svampe insekters adfærd?” Link.

June 2023

Panel debate together with Professor Michael Poulsen and Science Editor at Danish Newspaper Politiken at the Bloom Nature and Science festival in Copenhagen about the science behind the tv- series Last of US.

February 2023

Video interview with the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet and the videogame newssite about fungus manipulated insects in connection with the HBO series Last of Us.

July 2022

Our paper in ISME Journal on the volatile attraction of males to infected female cadavers has been covered by Nature, the French Magazine GEO, Danish newspapers and magazines Ekstra Bladet, Se og Hør,, A published video-link interview with the Swedish Expressen, Interview and article with Indian newspaper The Indian EXPRESS, and several online News sites (Altmetric Link).

November 2021

Our preprint was covered by Science, which resulted in a very nice news story based on an interview: Fungus lures male flies into having sex with dead females

September 2020

Invited speaker at the public symposia broadcasted online worldwide (ca. 700 attendees) in relation to the publication of KEW Botanical Gardens Report: State of the world fungi 2020.

October 2019

Our collaborative work on Entomophthora muscae spore shoot physics with Jolet de Ruiter and Kaare H. Jensen published in the Royal Society Interface was coverd by a nice piece in the New York Times, and several other media: ScienceAlert, cnet, Phys.Org, The Daily Mail,

September 2019

Our research was featured online and with a full page in the Danish national news paper Politiken: Op mod en fjerdedel af de stuefluer, som sværmer rundt lige nu, er zombiefluer, Zombier findes ikke kun i fiktionens verden

November 2018

Interviewed about autumn leaf colours to the Danish newspapers: Kristeligt Dagblad: Efterårets farveshow beskytter træerne ,og Midtjyllands Avis: Derfor skifter træernes blade farve.

November 2016

Blog-post on the Carlsberg Foundation homepage about pathogen host specificity

August 2015

Interview with the Danish National Radio DR P1 Scientific radio program "Videnskabens Verden"

August 2015

DR Viden - Huser du zombiefluer i vindueskarmen?

December 2014

My paper in Nature Communications on fungal adaptation in the leaf-cutting ant symbiosis was covered by several media: Passion entomologie, Willy van Stien blog post, Sience World Report, ScienceDaily,DR Viden,, Phys Org, UPI 10, Science News, Nature World News, and the Danish Newspaper Politiken "10 millioner år gammelt mysterium løst"

January 2013

My paper in PNAS on adaptive evolution of detoxification enzymes in the fungus garden of leaf-cutting ants was covered by several media: Danish Newspaper Weekend Avisen "Myregartneri",Interview to the Danish National Radio DR P1 radio program "P1 morgen", "Neue Raffinesse der Gärtnerei der Ameisen", National Geographic "How leafcutter ants evolved from farmers into cows"