Newspaper and Magazine Articles

Below are some articles from newspapers and magazines over the years pertaining to the Hendricks Head Lighthouse. More articles will be added to this web-page over time. In the meantime, please enjoy the selected articles.

The Portsmouth Herald And Times - August 29, 1934

The Boothbay Register -- January 12, 1978

On January 9, 1978, a fierce coastal storm demolished the boathouse and also destroyed the walkway that had connected the lighthouse to the fog-bell tower. The seawall at Hendricks Head beach and 250 feet of the beach road were also destroyed.

Down East Magazine article, "Living in a Lighthouse." July 1984

Click HERE to read.

Banger Daily News -- January 4, 1985 -- Banger, Maine

The Telegraph -- January 26, 1988, Vol. 119 No. 252 -- Nashua, NH

Winnipeg Free Press - September 11, 1990

(Open image in new window to enlarge)

Lawrence Journal World

September 9, 1990 -- Lawrence, Kansas

Article: The Marrs of Hendrick’s Head by Jeremy D'Entremont


You may purchase this issue HERE.


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