Pajarito Peak

Highway 550 is an important route across the NW part of NM connecting Albuquerque to the wonderful Four Corners area. Some of the scenery is very nice, particularly the stretch between San Ysidro and Cuba. However, many repetitions can dull the enjoyment so what to do? One option is a side trip. For example, you may have noticed a bunch of antennas on top of 9000’ Pajarito Peak.

Antennas on top of a mountain invariably mean there is a road to the top so this was our side trip!

We found it to be surprisingly good and fairly well traveled.

Sandia Crest in the distant background.

The happy explorers

Nearing the top, we could see a controlled burn near Cuba.

The horizontal line across the middle of the picture is Hwy 550 with a few tiny vehicles.

We are getting pretty high because we are looking down on Cabezon.

The antennas look a lot bigger up close.

The warning signs suggest it is not good to linger but I cannot remember why J

Carol collecting some mossy rocks before we departed.