Critter Cam Pics

Here are critter cam pictures from our Regina camping land.

Blurry picture of a fox on Nov. 27, 2010

A curious elk. Looks like about 8" of snow.

A young elk

This was an interval from mid May to mid July.

The camera recorded 2,909 pictures mostly of wind blowing branches but among them were a few choice items.

Bobcat walking by at 9:50 PM.

An amazing self portrait of an elk fawn.

This last picture is interesting for two reasons.

First, the two elk showed up while still light and only 10 minutes after the fawn.

Second, I am surprised that all the elk have not migrated higher up into the mountains by this time of year.

Hope you enjoy these pictures as much as we did. When we are in residence we see lots of tracks but seldom see who is making them.