Frequently Asked Questions

HC Track and Field – Frequently Asked Questions (for athletes and parents)

Q) What are the expectations for being on the Track and Field team?

Simply put, students are expected to attend all scheduled practices and meets, to always try their best, and to be supportive teammates. We ask that any athlete who wants to come out for the team commit to contributing to the betterment of our program. In exchange, the coaching staff will commit 100% to helping each individual become the very best athlete and person they can be.

DO join track if these are your motivations: To test ones limits, to become a better athlete, to develop skills of self-discipline and time management, to gain a sense of purpose from the shared mission of trying to help HC win a conference title.

Track will NOT be a good fit if these are your primary motivations: to be social without having to work hard, to add something to my resume, to get a PE waiver.

Q) Can I do indoor track only?

We would discourage athletes from doing indoor track only. Coaches will be investing significant time and energy into the development of our athletes. In exchange, we ask that athletes commit to our program. The exception is FRESHMAN - we invite all freshman to try out track, even if you plan to do a different spring sport.

Q) Can I do outdoor track only?

No. There is a misconception that indoor and outdoor track are separate seasons. In fact, there is simply one season: Track (the only difference between ‘indoors’ and ‘outdoors’ is where meets are held). The indoor track season is very important for athletes to develop the fitness base they will need to be prepared for the outdoor season. Therefore, we will not be permitting students to join the team only for outdoors. The prerequisite for participation in the outdoor season is participation in indoor track. Those athletes athletes participating in a winter sport are encouraged to join the team after their season concludes. You will be given one week of rest after the date of your final competition before it is expected that you will report to track practice.

Q) What meets will I compete in?

Not every athlete will compete in every meet. Each meet will serve a different purpose. Some meets we will use simply to try out different events. Some meets are just for lower levels (frosh and soph) while others are only for Varsity. Some meets are open to everyone and will be used to try to get personal bests. Most meets are held on Fridays or Saturdays. Athletes will generally be informed the previous Monday whether or not they are competing that week, and what events they will be doing. In general, athletes are not expected to attend meets in they are not competing in the meet (though there will be practice), though we do appreciate non-competing athletes who come to the meet to cheer on their teammates or to help work different events.

Q) What are expectations on meet days? Can I leave after my event is over?

We will strive to promote team unity and cohesion. As a consequence, we ask that athletes make every effort to commit to staying for the duration of all competitions. Athletes will be expected to check in before meets and check out after the conclusion of the meet. We will do a warm-up together before the meet starts and we will do a cool down and have a team meeting after the meet concludes.

Any athlete leaving a meet early without permission will be charged with an ‘unexcused’ absence. Three unexcused absences results in dismissal from the team.

There may be times when an athlete needs to leave early in order to focus on schoolwork or for another commitment. The coaching staff will generally permit athletes to leave after their event if there has been communication from parents/guardians PRIOR to the meet.

Q) Will there be practice over spring break?

A) Spring Break attendance is not mandatory. However, if you are in town your event coach may facilitate days to meet with their respective event group.

Q) What is the best place to find information about the team, practice times and locations, etc.

A) The best place to find information is our team website:

If you are on twitter, you can follow the team at @CoachLawrenceHC Coach Lawrence will use this account to give updates during meets and to highlight outstanding performances.

Q) What is the attendance policy?

A) We have a very specific attendance policy. It is very important that athletes and/or parents communicate about (known) absences in advance. Depending on the reason, the absence will be considered either ‘unexcused’ ‘provisional’ or ‘excused.’ If an athlete misses practice and does not notify the coaching staff, that absence will be considered unexcused (until the athlete and/or parent clarifies the reason for missing). Two unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team. Three provisional absences equates to one unexcused absence.

Any athlete missing practice should notify their event coach as soon as possible. An athlete who wishes to have their absence considered excused will need to have their parents call and speak directly to their event coach.

Q) Can I choose my events?

A) Sometimes. The coaching staff will assign student/athletes to an event group based upon what we think you have the best chance of succeeding in (for example, Coach Lawrence is 5’7” and 120 pounds, so clearly more likely to succeed in the distance group than the throws group!) As far as competitions go, there will be some meets where the coaches decide your event (particularly for major invitationals) but there will be other meets (typically dual and tri meets) where athletes will provide input about which events they would like to do.

Q) What are the team rules?

We have six simple rules (which are really more like expectations). They are:

Be present: The most important ingredient to success in our sport is simply consistency.

Be on time: Time is incredibly valuable. We will not waste it. Every minute of practice should be purposeful.

Do your best: It is expected athletes give 100% effort each day. Any team member who is obviously not trying their hardest in practice will be asked to leave.

Support your teammates: What makes our time purposeful is that we are all working towards the same goal: to improve our personal bests, and to help the team become more competitive.

Respect your opponents: The way we show respect to our opponents is by bringing our best when we compete against them.

Respect the sport: No footballs, frisbees, radios, grills, etc. should be brought to the track. We will seek to minimize distractions for the benefit of those practicing.