Econ 8009 Spring 2018

Econ 8009 Spring 2018

Macroeconomic Theory II

General Course Information

The lecture meets Wednesday from 9:00AM -12:10 PM in Social Science 609.

Office Hours: 12:30pm -13:30pm Wednesday at Social Science 724 or by appointment.

The midterm (final for this portion) will be in class on April 25, 2018.

TA's Contact Information

黃鼎鈞 (Ting-Chun Huang), email:

Course Syllabus (updated 2/28/18)

Lecture Notes

Lecture 1: Labor Market Search Equilibrium

Lecture 2: Money in a Neoclassical Framework, Life-Cycle Model

Lecture 3: Search Theoretic Models of Money

Lecture 4: New Keynesian Monetary Economics

Lecture 5: Optimal Taxation and the New Public Finance

Problem Sets

Problem Set 1 (due in TA class on March 29, 2018)

Problem Set 2 (due in TA class on April 12, 2018)

Problem Set 3 (due in class on April 25, 2018)

Computational Assignments

Computational Assignment 1, due on March 28, 2018.

Computational Assignment 2, option 1, option 2, option 3, data, due on May 2, 2018.


Midterm (In class, April 25, 2018)