tArA – is the wife of brahaspatyAchARya, who is sura guru. svAhA dEvi (consort of agni) is the daughter of tArA. chaMdra was the shiShya of brahaspatyAchARya. chaMdra committed the offence of flirting with tArA resulting in the birth of budha.

tArakEsha – is chaMdra, the adhipati for the 27 naxatra-s. He is one among the navagraha-s. He is the son of atri (thus called atrija). He belongs to svAyaMbhu manvaMtara. His other name is sOma. In the current vaivasvata manvaMtara, he was born to dhaRmaprajApati & vasumni. He is one among the aShTavasu-s.


rising order of tAratamya from Jada to paramatma

tR^iNa jIva-s (sthAvara jIva-s) are superior than jaDa-s.

krimi-s (worms & ants) are superior than tR^iNa jIva-s.

Goats & mares are superior than krimi-s.

Sheep are superior than goats.

Cows are superior than sheep.

Elephants are superior than cows.

Tigers are superior than elephants.

Lions are superior than tigers.

The shUdra-s (4th vaRNa) are superior than lions.

The vaishya-s (3rd vaRNa) are superior than shUdra-s.

The xatriya-s (2nd vaRNa) are superior than xatriya-s.

The brahmaNa-s (bhUdEvaru or 1st vaRNa) are superior than xatriya-s.

The vipra-s (kOvidaru) are superior than brahmaNa-s

The mAnuSha chakravaRti-s are superior than vipra-s.

tAratamya gadya

tApatrayagaLu - Adibhoutika, Adidaivika & AdhyAtmika are the 3 types of troubles

tAtvika dEvata-s i.e. kubera, gaNapati, viShvaksEna upto iMdra-kAma.

Teertha - holy water Click Link for more information .


trikakuddhAma – the sAtvika jIva-s are entitled for the 3 superior places of mukti i.e. shvEtadvIpa, anaMtAsana & vaikuMTha.

tripAt – means shvEtadvIpa, anaMtasana & vaikuMTha. It also indicates his 3 rUpa-s in each of - prAtaHsavana, madhyaMsavana & sAyaMsavana. He is thus called 'tripAt'.

tripurAsura-s - According to mahAbhArata there were three sons born to the demon tAraka. tAraka was killed by kARtikeya. tAraka's sons were called tArAxa, kamalAxa and vidyunmAli, collectively called tripurAsura-s. These demons were very intelligent and strong but they tended to use their knowledge and strength towards the wrong means. These demon sons of tAraka had performed severe penance towards brahma and won the gift of immense power, that they could not be killed by anyone who had upto 5 faces (upto R^idra). The boon that they received, granted them that they would live for a thousand years in three invincible, moving cities known as 'tripuri' and that they could only be destroyed by one arrow that would merge the three cities into one, and set them to fire. 'tri' means three and 'puri' means cities. tripuri were splendid, made up of gold, silver and iron respectively. They were built to rival iMdra's grand city. As such powerful demons, the tripura-s spent all their time and energy to harass the dEvata-s. The power was such that it was difficult to control their destructive tendencies. Their cities never remained in one place long enough therefore it was difficult to destroy them together. At the end of a thousand years of their negative rule, the dEvata-s went to R^idra and begged him to destroy the demons.

R^idra-pARvatI obtained a son kumArasvAmi (skaMda), who is the avatAra of kAma. kuMarasvAmi had 6 faces and was therefore called ShaNmukha. ShaNmukha killed tArakAsura-s on the 7th day he was born. As a tribute of burning and destroying the demons and their cities, this form of ShaNmukha is known as 'tripuraMtaka' or 'tArakAMtaka' for killing the three demon princes and destroying their evil cities. vinAyaka is the younger brother of tripurAMtaka. Therefore, vinAnayaka is described as 'tArakaMtakananuja'.