sAmaja – means elephant gajEMdra. He was caught by a crocodile in a lake. gajEMdra intensely prayed to ParamAtma. The kind ParamAtma killed the crocodile with His chakra and saved gajEMdra from death. Thus ParamAtma is described as sAmajEMdrapriya.

saMj~nA is the dhaRmapatni of vivasvAn sURya. She is the daughter of vishvakaRma (tvaShTR^i putri).


saraswatI dEvi - is the abhimAni for milk. One must meditate on the viShNu rUpa of ParamAtma in saraswatI dEvi. viShNu vAchya ParamAtma completely pervades everywhere. xIra is the sAra (rather original item) while curds, butter, ghee are all derived from milk. viShNu ParamAtma is referred here as 'jagatsAra'.

saRvadEvottamanu – ParamAtma is far superior to all dEvata-s. There in none equal to Him and therefore how can someone be superior to Him?

saRvaga – He pervades everywhere. 'ga' indicates gamana. He pervades in every ray and blade of grass. In the chEtana-s, He remains as biMba rUpi and in the jaDa-s, He pervades in every atom. If ParamAtma is not in them then they would not exist. He pervades there, therefore they exist.

saRvaguNa saMpURNa – He is complete in respect of j~nAna, AnaMda, shakti, souMdaRya, vIRya, Ishatva, saRvataMtra svataMtra etc… He is filled infinite virtuous qualities. He has no dOSha-s. Every guNa is complete in all respects from time infinite.

saRvada – He bestows the deserved desires of the jIva-s according to their yOgyata without any disparity. He is thus satya saMkalpa.

saRvataMtra svataMtra – All the jaDa-s display their usual properties (according to their yOgyata) by their very nature is understood to be taMtra. Initiating the j~nAna shakti, ichChA shakti & kriya shakti and making them go into action is also taMtra. The capability to perform actions without any external assistance is 'svataMtra'. This is the svarUpagata dhaRma of ParamAtma. The kaRtR^itva shakti of all jIva-s is in control of ParamAtma. svataMtrata of ParamAtma is not controlled by others. That is why He is saRvataMtra svataMtra.

saRvAdhAra – He is the support for entire jagat. He does not need the support of others. He supports Himself. Everything is in His control.

saRvAtma – He exists as Atma nAmaka in every jIva. He exists as biMba rUpi in all the jIva-s as aMtaRyami, does all the kriya-s Himself on behalf of the jIva-s and makes the jIva do the same via prANa dEvaru, tatvAbhimAni dEvata-s & tatvAbhimAni daitya-s.

saRvtOmukha – The 1000 Feet, Hands, Eyes, Face must be understood as infinite (sahasrashiRShA puruSha, sahasrAxa, sahasrapAt…..) – meaning He exists everywhere.

saRvanAmaka – He exists in all alphabets, words and names. He exists in the names of all jaDa-s and jIva-s.

saRvajanasaMpUjya – All His bhakta-s perform His pUja. All sajjana-s take shelter at His Lotus Feet by performing His pUja.

shAshvata – He has no birth or death. He remains permanent. He has no chatuRvidha nAsha. He is thus unually different from the anAdi nitya jIva-s.

saRvakAmada – He fulfils the wishes of His bhakta-s who trust Him and praise Him.

saRvasAxiga – Since He is present at all places at all times, He remains a Witness to all actions.

saRvajit – He has won over everything. None can win Him. He controls everything.

savyasAchi - Arjuna was called savyasAchi because he could use both left and right hands equally at the same time

shachi – is the wife of iMdra. She is the daughter of pulOma. Thus she is also called 'pulOmi'. jayaMta is the son of iMdra-shachi. shachi is manObhimAni.

shani (abhimAni for pR^ithvI tatva) – is the son of sURya & ChAyA dEvi. shani is also referred as taraNija (taraNi – sURya, ja – son). shani is superior to puShkara.

shashibiMdu - was a rAja R^iShi in the yadu vaMsha. He belongs to vR^iShTi vaMsha and is the son of chitraratha rAja. His daughter biMdumati was married to mAdhAMta rAja.

shEShashatatharu – are the list of 85 dEvata- among the 100 dEvata-s, 15 of them are in uttama kaxa.

shatarUpa – is the wife of svayaMbhu manu.

ShaNmukha – is the son of R^idra and pARvatI dEvi. Since he was born in a garden of 'daRbhe' (a typical grass), he was called sharavaNabhava (sharavaNa – means daRbhE). When he was a child he suckled the 6 kR^ittikA naxatrAbhimAni dEvata-s. Since he suckled them at the same time he came to be known as 'ShaNmukha' or 'ShaDAnana'. He was also called sEvAni, kumAra & skaMdha. He became the sEnAdhipati of the dEvata-s and killed tArakAsura.gaNapati is the younger brother of ShaNmukha.

Shouri - In this stanza, shrI kR^iShNa is called 'shouri' as He is the grandson of shUrasEna rAja.

shukrAchARya:- was the son of bhR^igu R^iShi and pulOme. (bhR^igu was the son of varuNa), chyavana R^iShi was the younger brother of shukrAchaRya. dEvayAni was the wife of shukrAchARya. dEvayAni was born to priyavrata rAja and URjasvati. He left the class of dEvata-s as he was angry with bR^ihaspatyAchaRya and became the guru of daitya-s. bali chakravaRti was desiring the position of iMdra. shukrAchARya was guiding him to perform the 100th ashavamEdha yAga. At that time, bali chakravaRti promised 3 feet of land to vAmana rUpi ParamAtma and he was pouring water from the kamaMDala. At that time, shukrAchARya blocks the flow of water from the kamaMDala by his sUxma rUpa. vAmana rUpi ParamAtma pierces the eye of shukrAchARya by a daRbhi and then shukrAchaRya is one eye blind.

shAmala - is the dhaRmaptni of yama.

surAsya – sura – dEvata-s, Asya – face. agni is the face of the dEvata-s as he carries all the oblations offered to dEvata-s.

surAsyAtmajarige' - 16100 sons of agni, who desired the companionship of kR^iShNa were born as gOpika strI-s in gOkula and became the wives of kR^iShNa. kaRmAbhimAni puShkara is superior to the 16100 gOpika strI-s.

sutAmarasabhava – meaning – tAmaras – the Lotus Flower emanating from the Navel of padmanAbha rUpi ParamAtma and bhava – means chatuRmukha brahma dEvaru born in that Lotus Flower and su – indicates the unusual Lotus from the Navel of ParamAtma.

sURya is abhimAni for bhaxya-s like hoLige etc… One should meditate on the mAdhava rUpa of ParamAtma in sURya.

svAhAbhaRtR^i – agni is the husband of svAhA dEvi. agni is one among the paMchabhUta-s. He is the abhimAni for vAgIMdriya. He is the first dEvata in R^ig vEda. He was born from the Face of virADrUpi ParamAtma. All the other dEvata-s accept our oblations (havissu) through agni. That is why agni is also known as 'amarasya' or 'dEvamukha'. svAhA dEvi (wife of agni) is the daughter of daxa brahma. Thus described as svAhAbhatR^i. He burnt down the khAMDa forest with the help of aRjuna as per the indications of shrI kR^iShNa. He gave sudaRshana chakra to kR^iShNa. agni was cursed by bhR^igu muni that he (agni) will burn & eat up everything. He had kept sItA dEvi under his protection during shrI rAma-s exile. rAm (Tagaru) is his vehicle. He is the dikpAlaka for AgnEya (South-East). Agni took avatAra as the son of shrI rAma in one of the twin sons called 'lava'.

svAhA dEvi (consort of agni) is superior to budha.

shourimahiShiyaru – means ShaNmahiShi-s. shrI kR^iShNa took avatAra in the vaMsha of shUrasEna mahAraja. Therefore, shrI kR^iShNa is also call 'shouri'. kR^iShNa's wives are ShaNmahiShi-s, referred here as 'shourimahiShiyaru'. They are 1) mitraviMda, nIlA, 3) bhadrA, 4) kALiMdI, 5) laxaNa, 6) jAMbavatI.