nArada – is the last son of brahma dEvaru in svAyaMbhU manvaMtara. He was born from the thigh of brahma dEvaru. marIchi, atri, aMgIrasa, pulastya, pulaha, kratu, bhR^igu, daxa, vasiShTha (9 dEvata-s) are the elder brothers of nArada. nArada is brahmAchAri and trilOka saMchAri. nArada is superior to the 3 dEvata-s i.e. agni, bhR^igu & prasUti.

nahuSha chakravaRti belongs to chaMdravaMsha. He was born to svabhARnavi who was married to the son of URvashI-purOrava. nahuSha was married to virajA who was the daughter of a pitR^i dEvata. nahuSha had 6 sons called yati, yayAti, samyAti, AyAti, ayati, and dhR^iva. He was a resident iMdra lOka. He had the wishful thinking of having shachi dEvi (wife of iMdra) as his wife. shachi told nahuSha that she would marry him if he came in an extraordinary chariot.

nahuSha made a palanquin and used the saptaR^iShi-s to carry the same and proceeded to meet shachi dEvi. agastya was one among palanquin carriers. nahuSha was in a great hurry to join shachi. While going on the palanquin, he kicked agastya muni on his head and ordered 'saRpa, saRpa' – meaning - go fast. The angry agastya muni cursefully said, "saRpObhava". Immediately, nahuSha was transformed into a snake. While the pAMDava-s were in exile, once nahuSha (as saRpa) tied himself around bhIma and bhIma was released after dhaRmarAja answered all the questions asked by nahuSha. nahuSha was then sent to svARga.

narakAsura - While viShNu ParamAtma took varahAvatAra, a drop of His Sweat fell on earth (bhUmi). narakAsura was born to bhU dEvi. Since he was bhU putra, he was also called bhouma. He was gifted with vaiShNavAstra by the anugraha of viShNu ParamAtma (via bhU dEvi). prAgjayaitiShapura was the capital of narakAsura. He stole the shvEta chakra of iMdra amd the kaRNa kuMDala of aditi. By the request of dEvata-s, kR^iShNa ParamAtma arrived at prAgjayaitiShapura and killed narakAsura and returned the shvEta chakra to iMdra and kaRNa kuMDala to aditi. After killing narakAsura, kR^iShNa made bhagadatta (bIga of narakAsura) as the king and released many of the kanya-s who were under his bondage and married them (gOpika strI-s). naraka chatuRdashi is the day on which narakAsura was killed..

nIlA dEvi - Formerly, she was the daughter of kAvyabAla. From her young days itself, she had the desire to be married to shrI kR^iShNa. To achieve this she did penance in shESha paRvata. ParamAtma granted her this boon – that he would marry her during kR^iShNAvatAra. During dvApara yuga, nIlA was born to kuMbhaka (brother-in-law) of naMdagOpa. nagnajita rAja of kOsala arranged for her svayaMvara. There were 7 daitya-s in the form of bulls, who were troubling sajjana-s of that time. nagnajita rAja said that he would marry off his daughter nIlA to that person who would bind these bulls. Many kings came forward to do the same, but they failed in their attempt. shrI kR^iShNa of yadukula bound all these bulls in a single attempt. nIlA put the garland around the neck of shrI kR^iShNa. Thus nIlA became one of His shaNmahiShi-s.

niraR^iti – is the adhipati for nairutya i.e. South-West. Although he is born in daitya kula, he is a mukti yOgya chEtana among the dEvata-s. dIRgha dEvi is his consort.
