
lEkhagrANi - gaNapati proposed that bhagavAn vEdavyAsa must dictate non-stop. bhagavAn vEdavyAsa said to gaNapati, "You must write every word after understanding them very well." gaNapati agreed to this condition. Thus gaNapati understood and wrote that entire siddhAMta works that was dictated by vEdavyAsa dEvaru. Thus gaNapati came to be known as 'lEkhagrANi' – top writer.

lOkapavitra - Since gaNApati eliminates the obstacles and enables them to perform pure kARya-s, he is called 'lOkapavitra'.

laxaNa - She was the daughter of baRhiShTatu rAja. Since she was endowed with good laxaNa-s, she was named 'laxaNa'. She was gifted with 27 laxaNa-s. She always used to meditate on the saRvaguNa saMpURNa ParamAtma and decorate His idols excellently and offer, milk and butter to ParamAtma as naivEdya. She died while she was nurturing the thought of marrying shrI kR^iShNa. During dvApara yuga she was born as daughter of madra rAja. madra rAja arranged for the svayaMvara by arranging for huge bow to be used and shoot arrows and the winner of this competition would marry laxaNa. shrI kR^iShNa won very easily and laxaNa became one of his ShaNmahiShi-s.