kAma – is manmatha indeed. He was born from the manas of ParamAtma. He is therefore called manasija, bhAvaja, madana, manmatha, kaMdaRpa, daRpaka, kAma etc… He is the Adi dEvata for souMdarya (beauty). He pleased brahma dEvaru and he obtained the most attractive rUpa. ratI dEvi is his wife. Parrot is his vehicle. Sugarcane is his bow. His 5 arrows are 1) araviMda, 2) ashOka, 3) chUta, 4) navamallikA, 5) nIlOtpala. Since his arrows have the names of flowers, kAma is also known as puShpa bANa. He sent kusumAstra on R^idra dEvaru to spoil his continuous penance. kAma was burnt down by the agni from the 3rd eye of R^idra. shaNmukha is the avatAra of kAma. In dvApara yuga, kAma took avatAra as the son of kR^iShNa-rukmiNi as pradyumna.

kAlanEmi daitya was the son of mArIcha (uncle of rAvaNa) in trEtA yuga. When hanumAn was sent to chaMdrONa paRvata by suShENa to obtain saMjIvani in order to save laxmaNa, kAlanEmi went there in disguise as a tapasvi. He advised hanuman to take a bath in the nearby lake. As soon as hanumAn went for a bath into the lake, kAlanEmi entered the lake in the form of a crocodile and caught the feet of hanumAn. hanumAn killed the crocodile and thus killed kAlanEmi. The same kAlanEmi was born as kaMsa (uncle of shrI kR^iShNa). kaMsa was the elder brother of dEvaki. kaMsa was the son-in-law of jarAsaMdha. shrI kR^iShNa killed kaMsa.

kAmadhEnu – is a cow in svaRga lOka. This cow gives all wealth that a person desires. This is from the animal class (jaMgama jIva)

kalpataru – is a tree in svaRga that gives all that a bhakta desires in his manas. This is a sthAvara jIva.

kAliMdI dEvi - Previously she was the daughter of vivasvAn nAmaka sURya and was later born as the younger sister of yamuna.


"vivasvAn nAma sURyOObhUttasya putrIvyajAyita kAlaMdI saMj~nAkAMvIMdra yamunA anujAsmR^itA"

She desired to marry shrI kR^iShNa and none other. Therefore, she always engrossed herself in hari nAma smaraNE and while she was doing severe penance, she was seen by aRjuna. She told aRjuna her secret wish of marrying shrI kR^iShNa. As per the request of aRjuna, shrI kR^iShNa married kALiMdI and accepted her as one on His ShaNmahiShi-s.

She was gifted with 10 sons - shruta, kavi, vR^iSha, vIra, subAhu, bhadra, shAMti, daRsha, pURNamAsa & sOmaka.

khagaparANi ----- khaM – means AkAsha, khaga – means birds that fly in the sky, khagapa - means king of the birds. His wife is soupaRNI. She is chittAbhimAni.

kratu – was one of the sons of svAyaMbhu manvaMtara brahma dEvaru – born from his hands. kratu had 2 wives – called kriya and sannati.
