jAMbavatI – jAMbavatI dEvi is most important among the shaNmahiShi-s. jAMbavatI is the adopted daughter of bhallUka rAja jAMbavaMta. When samaMtaka maNi was lost and it was to be located, kR^iShNa entered the cave and fought with him. bhallUka rAja fought well and finally kR^iShNa showed him His rAma rUpa. jAMbavaMta offered his obeisance to kR^iShNa and offered jAMbavatI in marriage to kR^iShNa. jAMbavatI has a higher degree laxmI AvESha in terms of beauty, youth & radiance than the other 5 of the ShaNmahiShi-s.

jAMbavatI dEvi - Previously she was sOma putri. From her childhood she was unattached to earthly matters. She used offered all her iMdriya kriya-s at the Lotus Feet of ParamAtma. After attaining the daRshana of the Lotus Feet of ParamAtma, she praised the ParamAtma from Toe to Head (ApAdamouLipaRyaMta). She received her j~nAna from jaigIShavya muni (R^idra avatAra).

jAMbavatI dEvi is most important among the shaNmahiShi-s. jAMbavatI is the adopted daughter of bhallUka rAja jAMbavaMta. When samaMtaka maNi was lost and it was to be located, kR^iShNa entered the cave and fought with him. bhallUka rAja fought well and finally kR^iShNa showed him His rAma rUpa. jAMbavaMta offered his obeisance to kR^iShNa and offered jAMbavatI in marriage to kR^iShNa. jAMbavatI had a higher degree laxmI AvESha in terms of beauty, youth & radiance than the other 5 of the ShaNmahiShi-s.

During samudramathana (amR^itamathana), ParamAtma took the form of dhanvaMtrI and rose from the sea bed holding amR^ita (nectar) in a golden vessel. By His mAya drops of Tears fell from His eyes into the vessel of nectar. At that time jAMbavatI was born as tuLasI. She was jAMbavatI indeed. She received her j~nAna from R^idra in his jaigIShavya rUpa.

jAMbavatI had 10 sons sAMba, sumitra, purujita, shujita, sahasrajita, vijaya, pitR^ixEma, vasumAna, drAviDa & krama and one daughter.