iMdra – is the adhipati for dEvata-s. During the day time of brahma dEvaru, 14 iMdra-s rule the svaRga i.e. in every manvaMtara, there would be one iMdra. 'iMdra' is a title. After one performs 100 ashvamEdha yAga-s, one is entitled to obtain the title of iMdra. Of the 14 iMdra-s, the 7th one i.e. puraMdara is the iMdra in the current vaivasvata manvaMtara. The hall of iMdra is called sudhaRma. His palace is called vaijayaMta. airAvata is his elephant there. The horse is called uchchaishravas. His weapon is vajrAyudha. iMdra made the vajrAyudha from the back bone of dadhIchi muni to kill vR^itrAsura. amarAvati is the capital of iMdra. shachi is his wife. surapati iMdra was cursed to have eyes all over his sharIra by ahilyApati goutama R^iShi due to iMdra's lewd observation of ahalyA. Thus, iMdra is referred as maigaNNa.

He disturbed the penance of of vishvAmitra through mEnaka. He is the dikpAlaka for pURva (East). He is manObhimAni dEvata. He provides bhOga-bhAgya. He killed asura-s like pulOma, pAka, vR^itrAsura etc… iMdra is the Adi dEvata in a few maMtra-s of R^ig vEda. He is the prabhu of paRjanya dEvata. Rains are caused by his anugraha and he is therefore known as mEghanAtha. vAli, aRjuna, kusha, shrI jayatIRtha be his avatAra.

iMdire – Isha kOti praviShTaLu, niRvikAraLu, abhimAni for sUxma prakR^iti, liMga shrIrAbhimAni, equal to ParamAtma deshataH & kalataH. She is a crore of guNa-s superior to vAyu & brahma dEvaru. There is none equal to her at any place or time (except ParamAtma, who is superior).