gaNapati – is AkAshAbhimAni – related to shabda guNa. The 6-petalled zone in the navel area is AkAsha tatva. That is his maMdira. He is son os umA dEvi. He does the upAsana of vishvaMbhara nAmaka ParamAtma. The 19 faced vishvaMbhara nAmaka ParamAtma is the prEraka for our waken state. The central face is that of the Elephant. Therefore, gaNapati does the upAsana of vishvaMbhara nAmaka ParamAtma. Thus pratibiMba gaNapati has the face of an elephant.

gajAnana - vishva ParamAtma who has 19 faces has 9 male faces to the right and 9 female face to the left and He has an elephant trunk at the centre. That is why the pratibiMba rUpa (gaNapati) of this "vishva" also has an elephant face. Therefore, gaNapati is also called gajAnana. gajAnana is the abhimAni for akAsha. vishvaMbhara mURti holds all the asR^ijya, and mukta chEtana-s in His grand Belly. That is why the belly of vighnEshvara, who is the upAsaka of vishvaMbhara ParamAtma, also has a large belly. Thus he is also called laMbOdara.

aShTa gaMdhaRva-s

i hAhA

ii hUhu

iii dhR^itarAShTra

iv tuMbura

v chitraratha

vi vishvAvasu

vii parAvasu

viii vidyAdhara

gAMDIva - Bow of Brahmadevaru given to arjuna during kAnDava dahana prasanga

ghanapapaRjanya is mEghAbhimAni paRjanya nAmaka sURya. He pours rains on the earth as per the orders of iMdra.

gourI – is indeed pARvatI dEvi. Since she has 'goura vaRNa' sharIra, she is called gourI. She is the wife of mahaR^idra. She is the abhimAni for manas. She is 'mati prErakaLu'. She is the daughter of hima paRvata rAja. Since she is the daughter of paRvata rAja, she is called paRvatI. aikapaRNA & aikapATala are the younger sisters of pARvatI. She refused paRNAhAra in order to please R^idra dEvaru by way of tapas. Therefore, she is also called apaRNa. She is also called umA. She obtained a son called kumAra by the anugraha of shiva. kumAra had other names called subrahmaNya, kARtikEya. kumara killed tArakAsura.

gOmati is also a river. There is a kR^iShNa temple there. Thus there is a vishESha sAnnidhya of shrI kR^iShNa in that river. Those who bathe in this river obtain the anugraha of shrI kR^iShNa, thus called 'gOmatipriya'.

gOmati also means bhUmi. Since ParamAtma is bhUvallabha, He is called gOmatipriya.

gouNa – ParamAtma is not bound by prakR^ita guNa-a. He has aprakR^ita (unusual guNa-s). He is therefore called 'gouNa'. The brahmAdi chEtana-s bound by triguNa-s are also called 'gouNa'.


gurutama – He is the one who has given upadEsha to brahma dEvaru in His hayagrIva rUpa. Thus He is a superior guru.

guru – is suraguru bR^ihaspatyAChARya. He is the son aMgIrasa. tArA dEvi is the wife of bR^ihaspatyAchARya. budha is the son of tArA dEvi. bR^ihaspatyAchARya had 6 sons and one daughter called svAhA dEvi (wife of agni). nahuSha was once ruling as iMdra and at that time he was trying to coerce shachI dEvi (wife of iMdra). At that time bR^ihaspatyAchARya cursed nahuSha and protected shachI dEvi.
